Selected Artists - Sunday Times Watercolour Contest 2014

93 industrial plant yesteryear 73 artists from across the United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as Northern Ireland of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland take away maintain been selected for the Sunday Times Watercolour Competition 2014. The start prize is £10,000 as well as the exhibition opens at the Mall Galleries on 15th September 2014.

Below y'all tin detect a listing of the names of the artists together alongside links to their websites where these could live found.  Any errors delight permit me know (see side column for how to contact me).
  • Bill Aldridge - founder of Drawing London
  • Delia Baillie - a watercolour creative someone based inwards Dundee
  • Alberta Bamonte - an Italian creative someone who has lived inwards the United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as Northern Ireland of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland since 1984. An interesting website - I intend her function mightiness live printing alongside water-based inks
  • Guy Beggs - to a greater extent than oft than non industrial plant inwards stone oil on his website
  • Varsha Bhatia - a watercolour creative someone specialising inwards real precise architectural paintings. Previously selected for the STWC. The function selected for the exhibition is a epitome of Westminster Abbey inwards ink.
  • Akash Bhatt - industrial plant inwards a diversity of media; a previous prizewinner inwards this competition
  • Patricia Bray -  aScottish artist; I'm non certain if this is the right website but it looks to a greater extent than probable than not
  • Isobel Brigham - an event of how y'all tin take away maintain merely 1 page as well as state quite a lot virtually your fine art merely using images.
  • Hogarth Neville Brown 
  • Susan Brown - some other creative someone who likes epitome architecture - inwards mixed media - as well as some other 1 page website which provides a lot of data virtually the artist
  • Christine Bruce - studying for a BA Hons Creative Arts at the OCA
  • George Butler - this is the chap who does reportage illustration, specialises inwards move as well as electrical current affairs and sketched the state of war inwards Syria. His drawings, done inwards situ are inwards pen, ink as well as watercolour.  This is a video of his TED talk

  • Elizabeth Butterworth - draws as well as paints birds as well as their feathers inwards pencil, ink as well as gouache - as well as hence produces limited edition monographs of collections of her etchings.
  • John Cahill - produces detailed landscapes inwards acrylic as well as gouache
  • Steve Caldwell - produces meticulously realistic artwork inwards acrylics
  • Laura Callaghanan Irish Gaelic illustrator based inwards South East London. She manus draws using a mixture of watercolour, indian ink as well as isograph pen. This is her blog
  • Olga Cannon-Brookes - a Russian-born artist, a graduate of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts inwards St.Petersburg as well as a previous finalist inwards the STWC. The epitome selected for the exhibition is "The Sins of Gluttony as well as Lust" which has multiple references to paintings from the past
  • Anca Carrington - the function selected is a sumi ink launder epitome called Day later day
  • Rosalind Chapman - her function has appeared inwards exhibitions for other fine art competitions
  • Philip Clarke - I'm non certain which is the website for this artist. Unless he mainly produces prints as well as drawings
  • Richard P Cook RBA - elected a Member of the Royal Society of British Artists inwards 1976
  • Julie D Cooper - based inwards St Ives, Cornwall as well as St Albans, Hertfordshire. Uses gouache.
  • Janet Darley - industrial plant equally a community creative someone as well as tutor. Enjoys working en plein air. Janet creates impressionistic as well as abstract images inwards gouache, using organic forms as well as found objects equally a starting betoken (see below for the function selected for the exhibition)
Mark Elsmore wins Dominicus Times Watercolour 2012
  • Shirley Felts - She's American yesteryear nascency but has lived inwards London since 1970. I had a impress of a Shirley Felts epitome on my wall for many years when I was younger. She's masterful at epitome negative spaces inwards watercolour. I'm hoping the function which has been selected inwards a epitome of a rainforest equally in that place is an fantabulous gallery of such paintings on her website.
  • Jane Fielder - Jane has ii paintings inwards the exhibition. She is too the possessor of the Bingley Gallery inwards West Yorkshire
  • David Firmstone - Past Vice President of the Royal Watercolour Society as well as winner of the Turner Prize for Watercolours inwards 2013
  • Brian Fleming - he uses gouache for "the deadening build-up of details as well as for expressing sharpness as well as clarity of light."
  • Peter Fleming - selected for the Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize inwards 2014
  • David Forster - won the £10,000 First Prize inwards the Dominicus Times Watercolour Competition inwards 2013 - run into David Forster wins Dominicus Times Watercolour Competition 2013
  • Mari French - lives as well as industrial plant inwards Norfolk, UK, producing atmospheric, abstracted paintings inwards acrylics, mixed media as well as watercolour, inspired yesteryear rural, coastal as well as industrial landscapes.
  • Steven Garner 
  • Antony Williams wins Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize 2012 as well as Review: Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize 2012 Exhibition
  • Nicola Gregory 
  • Gary Groucutt -  a lensman who too paints
  • Henry Hagger 
  • David Hamilton - 
  • RWS/Sunday Times Watercolour Competition - prizewinners as well as selected artists
  • Emma Haworth wins Dominicus Times Watercolour Competition 2010
  • David Henderson - a professional person fellow member of The Royal Scottish Society of Painters inwards Watercolours (RSW). He leads Gray’s Parallel Art School as well as teaches drawing as well as painting.
  • Paul Hoare - I'm afraid Paul has 1 of those websites which don't permit y'all out 1 time you're inwards - I'm non a fan of the navigation.  Such a compassion to live commenting on the website rather than the art.
  • Marguerite Horner - a landscape painter alongside a difference. She typically industrial plant monochromatically as well as inwards oils. I don't intend I've e'er seen her function inwards watercolour
  • Andrew Horrod - won the Smith & Williamson Cityscape Prize inwards 2013 - run into David Forster wins Dominicus Times Watercolour Competition 2013
  • Barry Idris Jackson - industrial plant mainly alongside printmaking, both relief as well as intaglio
  • Henry Jones - a landscape painter (I think)
  • James Judgerecent function is based unopen to the Thames Estuary. However most of his paintings online are inwards oil
  • Exhibition Review - Royal Watercolour Society / Dominicus Times Watercolour Exhibition
  • Charlotte Knox - Sea Pinks as well as Lichen, Republic of Ireland has been selected for the Dominicus Times Watercolour Competition 2014. This is her blog
  • Siu Ying Yvonne Koograduated alongside a Masters flat inwards Fine Art (2013) from Manchester School of Art. Currently exploring traditional Chinese epitome yesteryear using proverbs as well as illustration. She has an International creative someone residency inwards Fukuoka, Nippon inwards 2015, supported yesteryear Arts Council England 
  • Thomas Lamb - selected for both the SWTC as well as the ING Discerning Eye lastly year
  • Dennis Lewis  - in all likelihood a Welsh creative someone since his paintings are of Brecon
  • Debbie Locke RWA as well as Sarah Dudman - this is the solely collaboration selected for the exhibition. The collaboration relates to a farm inwards the Blackdown Hills. The ii artists are exploring as well as attemmpting to capture the human relationship betwixt the farmer, the sheep as well as the sheep dogs.
  • Kathryn Maple - There's a considerable amount of drawing inwards Kathryn's paintings. I'm guessing that the epitome selected comes from her Dumfries House Residency inwards 2014
  • Danny Markey - I take away maintain regularly seen Danny's function selected for other major fine art competitions. He was the minute prizewinner inwards the RWS/STWC exhibition inwards 2009 as well as a runner upwards inwards the Lynn Painter Stainers Prize inwards 2013
  • Angus McEwan RSW ARWS - Over the yesteryear decade Angus has painted Venice, Lucca, Florence, Sienna, Barcelona, Madrid, Los Angeles, Marrakech, Havana, Cuba, Essaouira, London, Beijing, Xian, Yangtze, Guilin, Yangshuo as well as Scotland.
  • Daisy Millner - I'm wondering if this creative someone has entered an aquatint
  • Wladyslaw Mirecki - a self-taught landscape painter. Every fourth dimension I see the gallery which exhibits his function I'm certain I run into the same epitome - or mayhap he merely likes epitome the same viaduct?
  • Paul Newland NEAC VPRWS - Vice President of the Royal Watercolour Society as well as winner of the winner of The Turner Watercolour Award as well as Turner Medal inwards 2008. You'll too detect I take away maintain written a lot of admiring words virtually his watercolour paintings on this blog
  • David H5N1 Parfitt RI - a landscape painter, working alongside Watercolours as well as water-based media; he was elected a fellow member of The Royal Institute of Painters inwards Watercolours inwards 2011
  • John Patterson - There's rather a lot of people alongside this advert as well as I can't function out the website
  • Matthew Phinn - he is a permanent fellow member of the Japanese National Watercolour Society. He's too been selected for the STWC iii times prior to this year
  • John Hunt wins Dominicus Times Watercolour Competition 2011 as well as REVIEW: Dominicus Times Watercolour Exhibition 2011
  • Dennis Roxby Bott RWS - elected a fellow member of the regal Watercolour Society inwards 1983, Dennis creates real precise paintings of architecture as well as cars
  • Richard Selby - I've establish a gallery website but non an artist's website
  • Noga Shatz - According to her website "Noga Shatz is a painter , a dreamer as well as a stone & roller ."
  • Ian Sidaway RI - this is a gallery of his latest work. Ian has a real graphical mode as well as this is his weblog Ian Sidaway Fine line
  • Robert SodenRobert is a landscape painter who has undertaken many commissions nationally as well as internationally
  • Sian Wilkins - Sian seems to similar epitome people at Glyndebourne
  • Michael Williams - I'm non certain this creative someone has a website
  • Lucy Willis - I take away maintain all her books as well as dear her mode of watercolour painting.   I peculiarly similar her landscapes as well as interiors
  • Selection Panel

    The 2014 judges are:
    • Sarah Armstrong Jones Artist
    • Desmond Shawe-Taylor CVO Surveyor of the Queen’s Pictures
    • Ben Ravenscroft Artist
    • Louis Wise Critic & Writer, The Dominicus Times

    Sunday Times Watercolour 2014 - exhibition

    The exhibition tin live seen at:
    • Mall Galleries: Mon fifteen - Sabbatum xx September 2014, 10am to 5pm
    • Guildford House Gallery, Guildford: fourteen Nov - 3 Dec 2014

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