Brand New!! £15,000 Lynn Painter-Stainer Prize 2014 - Deadline Approaches

Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize - Deadline for entries is the halt of this month
This is a reminder for all those intending to submit move to the 9th Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize - the deadline for entries is 29 Jan 2014, yesteryear 5pm.

I've been roofing this Prize since 2007 too you lot if you lot don't know much nearly it you lot tin observe links to yesteryear spider web log posts too images of the exhibition too winners at the halt of this post.

This Prize is a strictly British affair!
The Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize is opened upwardly to living artists over the historic current of 18, who are resident inwards the British Isles. Only original, two-dimensional industrial plant inwards whatever epitome or drawing media, that direct maintain been completed inwards the finally 3 years, too that direct maintain non been previously exhibited, are eligible. All industrial plant must endure for sale, except commissioned portraits.
Note the criteria amongst abide by to

  • timescale and 
  • not having been previously exhibited.  

I wishing I saw to a greater extent than fine art competitions putting to a greater extent than emphasis on the latter - it get's real ho-hum at times seeing the same move inwards several unlike shows, fifty-fifty if it is good.


It's my exercise to inwards full general listing exclusively those competitions where the start prize exceeds £10,000.  In this event the start prize is £15,000.  There are also:

  • 5 Runner-Up Prizes each at: £1,500
  • Young Artist Award: £2,500 - for an creative someone who is 25 years of age
Lynn Painter-Stainer Prize 2013
The Isabella Plantation yesteryear Ruth Stage NEAC
100x120, Egg Tempera £7,000

Information for Artists

I exclusively started doing detailed posts for the Call for Entries because the websites or the paperwork providing the data were too then hard to follow i.e. non everybody tin read tiny font sizes made to a greater extent than hard yesteryear a hard contrast betwixt typeface too support!

However the Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize has a real skillful website instantly too I require exclusively indicate you lot inwards its administration of the Information for Artists and highlight a few telephone substitution points too dates

It's likewise worth mentioning that most winners to engagement direct maintain won amongst figurative works. 'Large' and/or 'striking' and/or 'bold' are likewise words which saltation to heed - although this has non happened every year.  Definitely a "do non endure bashful or wishy washy" fine art competition.

Key Dates

  • Wednesday 29 Jan 2014 - Deadline for online entries, yesteryear 5pm
  • Tuesday seven Feb 2014 - Results of initial judging emailed to artists yesteryear this date
  • Tuesday xiv Feb 2014 - c.200 Shortlisted artists submit industrial plant to FBA - non too then wonderful for those amongst jobs and/or living elsewhere inwards the UK (however do bring a expect at off-peak develop fares which direct maintain kicking the bucket a lot to a greater extent than reasonable)
  • Sunday xix Feb 2014 - Results of finally circular judging emailed to artists yesteryear this date
  • Sunday 26 Feb 2014 - Unaccepted curt listed industrial plant available for collection at the FBA 10am-5pm
  • 17 MARCH 2014 Private View too Prize Giving
  • 18 – 22 MARCH 2014 Exhibition at Mall Galleries, The Mall, London SW1, 10am-5pm daily

Previous Years


Lynn Painter Stainer Exhibition 2013: Review - 28 Feb 2013 - The Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize 2013 is a contest designed to encourage creative representational epitome too promote the science of draughtsmanship.


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