Brand New!! Contemporary Watercolour Icon - Exhibitions Inwards London

Lovers of watercolour epitome are inward for a treat! From tomorrow yous tin dismiss see 2 major exhibitions of watercolour epitome inward London yesteryear 2 of the oldest watercolour societies inward the world.
I recommend visits to both for those who tin dismiss larn to London.  For those of yous who can't....

Two virtual exhibitions

You tin dismiss run into both exhibitions online if you're unable to larn to London. However do ship inward heed that online exhibitions are non so expert at giving yous a truthful feel of size - every bit good which the paintings ever hold back improve inward person.

selection from the online exhibition of 
the Spring Exhibition of the Royal Watercolour Society
selection from the online exhibition of 
the Annual Exhibition of the Royal Institute of Painters inward Water Colours
Below I comment on:
  • the images together with how they are displayed
  • events running during the course of written report of both exhibitions

Some comments well-nigh images together with software

One of the curious aspects of both galleries is that neither would be if it were non for the fine art societies they support.

Yet at the same fourth dimension both yell for to practise the same character command over images together with their display every bit whatsoever conventional commercial gallery. In my view, the galleries' business office is to ensure that ALL the images set on display online are superlative character AND that the software industrial plant easily for viewers

Royal Watercolour Society (website run yesteryear Bankside Gallery)

The online exhibition offers yous the alternative of paging through the online images or a slideshow.

On my 27" iMac screen, some of the images during the slideshow were bright spell others were truly badly photographed together with dreadfully pixelated. Clearly images are really dissimilar sizes together with quite in all probability really dissimilar dpi.

It strikes me that members of the RWS yell for to concur a minimum together with maximum size of digital epitome together with dpi for the images of paintings for their online exhibitions together with so optimise their online display for that. To my heed this is a affair where the Gallery should measuring inward together with provide
  • clear guidance to artists well-nigh how to attain improve digital images of their paintings
  • a character command "cut off" which agency misfortunate images do non larn online. 
That doesn't hateful they don't appear inward the exhibition. Just that the beingness of misfortunate images online won't hateful that people halt viewing together with therefore those artists whose images appear farther on don't lose viewers because i creative mortal has non withal mastered the fine art of digital images. It's a really of import yell for together with i I'd experience really strongly well-nigh if I was an exhibiting artist.

One really uncomplicated solution is to render a photography service at damage for the artists who neglect to submit character images.

Home page of the website of the Royal Watercolour Society
includes a prominent together with visual link to the online display together with dates of the exhibition

Royal Institute of Painters inward Water Colours (online exhibition website run yesteryear Mall Galleries)

In a lot of ways the RI's online exhibition display on the website is really sophisticated. You tin dismiss scroll downwards the page together with run into cropped images of all the paintings inward the exhibition.

However at that topographic point are problems
  • too many clicks are required to run into large images inward sequence. I couldn't larn the website to generate a slideshow - together with withal I experience certain I've viewed i inward the yesteryear on this site.
  • a chip to a greater extent than guidance every bit to what the icons do would survive useful. I wonder exactly how many people truly click through to the large epitome view?

The RI also needs to attend to its ain website. While it has usefully set a clear link to the online exhibition high on the dwelling page of its ain website (run yesteryear the RI), it's failed to set anything at all on the Exhibition Page except the dates of the exhibition. So no sample images together with no link to the online exhibition - together with no images at all on the Home Page either!

In an historic menstruation where the visual epitome is the way nosotros navigate some social media, I'm afraid I exactly don't 'get' fine art societies that don't role their artists' move to promote their activities!

Home Page of the RI website - piece of cake colours together with no pictures.
In my regard this website needs a radical makeover.

Events during RI Exhibition

You tin dismiss detect more details of Talks together with Courses on the RWS website


  • 2 Apr - Talk: Rebels, Vorticists together with Futurists: Young British Artists inward the Great War
  • 10 Apr - Talk: David Jones inward the First World War
  • 24 Apr - Talk: Reinventing the Art of Watercolour: Eric Ravilious together with his Contemporaries


Events during the RI Exhibition

All events are gratis of accuse to visitors handle the exhibition (there is a modest entry fee to the exhibition itself for non-Friends of the FBA).
  • Wednesday Apr 2 - Painting inward the Gallery - Jean Noble RI SWA
  • Thursday Apr three - Painting inward the Gallery - Julia Sorrell RI RBA
  • Friday Apr 4 - No events
  • Saturday Apr 5
  • Sunday Apr half-dozen - Vice President's Tour of the Exhibition - Tony Hunt VPRI
  • Monday Apr vii - Winsor & Newton Materials Demonstration - Paul Robinson
  • Tuesday Apr 8 - President's Tour of the Exhibition - Ronald Maddox PRI
  • Wednesday Apr nine - Artists together with their Sketchbooks - Ian Sidaway RI
  • Thursday Apr 10 - Exhibition Talk together with Tour - Robin Hazlewood RI
  • Friday Apr xi - Painting inward the Gallery - Roger Dellar RI PS ROI
  • Saturday Apr 12
    • Meet the Artists - Rosa Sepple RI & Andy Wood RI RBA
    • Artists together with their Sketchbooks - David Parfitt RI
  • Sunday Apr xiii - Gallery Closed 
  • Monday Apr xiv - No events
  • Tuesday Apr xv - Painting inward the Gallery - Chris Forsey RI together with John Yardley RI
  • Wednesday Apr sixteen - Artists together with their Sketchbooks - Ian Sidaway RI
  • Thursday Apr 17 - Vice President's Tour of the Exhibition - Tony Hunt VPRI
  • Friday Apr xviii - Good Friday
  • Saturday Apr nineteen - Exhibition closes at 1.00pm
I'll survive reviewing both exhibitions - exactly every bit presently every bit I've finished my majority - which incidentally includes some stunning images yesteryear Mat Barber Kennedy RI - whose move yous tin dismiss run into at the Mall Galleries.

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