Brand New!! How Tin Dismiss An Creative Someone Discovery Out Who Bought Their Painting?

This is a response to a alphabetic lineament I received recently.  It concerns how an creative mortal tin notice out the names of the people who bought a icon sold inwards an exhibition at an fine art gallery.

The post covers
  • what is normal do inwards terms of sharing the cite of buyers
  • commentary on the perspectives of fine art gallery, fine art contest in addition to artist
  • alternatives which hateful you lot e'er know the cite of the people who collect your art.
The people in addition to organisations involved have got been anonymised for the purposes of this post in addition to consequently the alphabetic lineament has been edited to hold the focus on the subject in addition to non this specific example.

Letter from an creative mortal who sold a painting

Hello Katherine

Having enjoyed your writing for roughly fourth dimension now, my justice is that you lot mightiness live able to throw roughly low-cal on a enquiry I've got. I suspect both the enquiry in addition to your respond may involvement many other artists who read your blog. 

Last twelvemonth I was lucky plenty to non exclusively teach a icon into the [art competition] exhibition at [name of gallery] but a cherry dot appeared inside minutes of the start of the preview. 

I'd dearest to know who bought the painting. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few emails have got passed betwixt [the competition/exhibition organisers] in addition to myself inwards an sweat to notice out the cite of the buyer. 

My final e-mail to them was fairly specific:
Dear [contact], Thanks for your e postal service reply. I had been hoping to verbalise amongst you. Perhaps you lot could give me a telephone telephone telephone roughly time. [The fine art competition] exhibition was the commencement fourth dimension I had sold a icon in addition to non known who the buyer was. I'm non certain whether this is because of a policy made past times [any of the people or organisations involved] or perhaps whether this is a specific asking past times the buyer, made at the betoken of sale, to remain anonymous. If it is a blanket policy applicable to anything sold through your organisation, I would live interested inwards knowing the reasons. I await frontward to hearing from you. [name of creative mortal who sold a painting]

and this was their reply. In fact, this was basically the same answer they'd given me twice before.

Dear [name of creative mortal who sold a painting]
Due to the demands of [sponsoring organisation], nosotros do non give buyer details out.

As I said, nosotros tin travel past times on messages/information, in addition to inquire the buyer to contact you lot should they wishing to sign upward to a newsletter or asking farther details virtually other work.

Part of our reputation is that nosotros do non portion information, whether from artists, buyers, clients or amongst whatever i else.
I do promise you lot tin empathize our reasons for this, in addition to equally said nosotros volition permit you lot know should the buyer teach inwards touch.

Best wishes,
[name of contact]
I'm non going to pursue it further. Had I been inwards a mood to, I mightiness have got asked:
  • 'Which customer are you lot referring to?';
  • 'Does the customer actually 'demand' that each buyer remain anonymous to the creative mortal from whom a icon has been bought?'
  • and 'for what reason?'.
I neither make nor sell a peachy bargain of run thence it's e'er a cherry alphabetic lineament 24-hour interval when i of my paintings is bought past times someone for whom I tin non assist but experience at that topographic point is a connector that goes beyond the mere financial.

Perhaps the gallery's argue is that they experience I mightiness do a bargain amongst 'their' customer behind their dorsum amongst regard to hereafter paintings.

In which case, I could almost empathize them beingness reluctant to let out a name. But, if that's the case, thence why non live opened upward virtually it?

Living inwards [the dorsum of beyond somewhere inwards the world], where at that topographic point is a feel of openness inwards both landscape in addition to community, this thought of anonymity is something I'm non used to.

Am I beingness naive? Or perhaps other artists also similar to know where their paintings go.
With best wishes,[name of creative mortal who sold a icon final year]

Normal Gallery Practice re. sharing the names of people who purchase art

FACT: It's completely normal for galleries to reject an creative mortal access to the cite of the buyer of their artwork

FACT: It's normal for artists non to know the names of the people who bought their artwork - if sold via an exhibition or gallery. (For example, see Getting Collectors' Names From Galleries by Lori Woodward Simons). 

I don't know who bought whatever of mine - except for commissions in addition to i that was an fine art gild exhibition past times a swain fellow member - who came in addition to told me.

The principal reasons that galleries volition non portion the names of buyers is that they "KNOW" that the next volition hap if they do:
  • artists volition ignore all aspects of the contract which stipulate what the creative mortal tin in addition to cannot do amongst honour to farther sales arising out of the initial sale
  • artists volition contact the buyer straight in addition to quite mayhap live a nuisance. This may rebound on the gallery if the buyer avoids buying fine art from them inwards future.
  • artists volition later on seek to involvement potential collectors inwards farther run - behind the dorsum of the gallery - in addition to their line of piece of work concern is to protect their clients from beingness pestered
  • artists volition seek to bypass galleries when selling run - fifty-fifty to the extent of changing dissimilar prices for straight sales
They know this - because this is what happens.  It mightiness live the illustration that an creative mortal gets blackballed from fine art galleries inwards the surface area if this happens - but it volition non live earlier the impairment has been done

Commentary - the gallery's perspective

When an creative mortal agrees to sell your fine art via a gallery what you lot are agreeing to do is pay the gallery committee inwards furnish for:
  • their expertise inwards selling fine art in addition to converting involvement into sales
  • access to their database of fine art collectors - which has been generated over many years of doing business.
The fine art marketplace position is real competitive. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 gallery has to protect its "crown jewels" i.e. the mailing listing amongst the names of people who have got bought fine art from them inwards the past.  
Galleries job the mailing listing to promote involvement inwards an exhibition in addition to generate sales.  In full general they volition have got 2 lists - amongst i of them beingness the listing relating to repeat buyers who are patently prime number targets for whatever marketing.

What galleries demand to hollo upward these days is that i sideslip past times a gallery assistant mightiness hateful that the Gallery emails its mailing listing amongst everybody's e-mail addresses inwards acre sight
  • the Gallery gives its e-mail listing away for costless if addresses are listed nether 'cc' rather than 'bcc' (and believe it or non I've seen it done!)
  • if it does this the Gallery is inwards problem on a 2d count equally it agency it has only committed a serious breach of the provisions of the Data Protection Act.  People are entitled to know that their e-mail addresses volition live kept secure in addition to prophylactic in addition to non shared amongst all in addition to sundry - in addition to that entitlement is backed upward past times the law!
Note: If you're interested inwards e-mail software for maintaining mailing lists you lot mightiness notice my website Email Newsletter Software - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Guide useful

Some galleries volition relax the dominion virtually anonymity for repeat buyers who are interested inwards coming together the artist. However this is mostly exclusively probable to hap if the gallery believes hereafter sales to this customer is subject on a closer human relationship amongst the artist

Commentary - the fine art contest perspective

The i chip virtually this storey which doesn't "fit" amongst the conventional explanations regarding galleries is that this exhibition related to an fine art contest rather than a gallery exhibition.  In number a infinite had been hired in addition to sales were processed inwards the normal way.

  • there is no mailing listing to protect
  • there is no gallery who must protect its contact listing inwards monastic state to survive
  • further sales after the lawsuit are, inwards effect, non an number equally such
So why apply normal gallery conventions to what is non a normal gallery exhibition?

I notice it real odd.

Commentary - the artist's perspective

Not knowing who bought your artwork mightiness real good experience similar giving away your babies to consummate strangers!

If this actually concerns you lot stick to giving your artwork away to household unit of measurement in addition to friends who volition await after it equally if they'd painted it themselves

However if you're selling fine art you're working inwards a line of piece of work concern globe in addition to you lot demand to live aware of how line of piece of work concern is typically transacted - irrespective of whether it's correct or wrong.

I do grip amongst my reader that it's real odd that galleries are non much to a greater extent than transparent virtually the fact they won't tell you lot who bought your art.

Can anybody think of why this do should non live much to a greater extent than opened upward in addition to why galleries are non much to a greater extent than transparent equally to its existence in addition to the reasons why.

One to a greater extent than point.  Any listing of collectors you lot may have got developed prior to agreeing a contract for representation amongst a gallery should NOT live shared amongst the gallery.  Otherwise you lot gamble beingness dropped past times the gallery real fast spell they croak on to "mine" your listing of collectors past times shipping ing them information virtually the run of other artists.

Instead you lot should croak on to maintain your personal human relationship amongst your collectors in addition to have got responsibleness for the management in addition to mailing costs for keeping these people upward to appointment amongst what's happening re exhibitions you lot are inwards in addition to where your run tin live found.

That's why it's real useful to have got a spider web log which lists run in addition to says where it tin live seen.

Alternative Options

Artists essentially have got 2 options

  • communicating their existence thence fine art collectors tin notice them
  • selling their ain fine art straight to fine art collectors in addition to cutting out the expertise/expense/mailing listing of the "middleman" ie the gallery

How to communicate your existence - thence fine art buyers tin notice you!

Sometimes fine art collectors desire to contact the artist.  So how are they going to notice you.  Think virtually the options for proverb who you lot are in addition to making it tardily for collectors to notice you.

First they demand to know your name
Results of 2 polls I'm running on How to sign a painting, drawing or fine fine art print)
  • Do you lot have got a carte du jour virtually the artwork attached to the dorsum of the painting which spells out the title, the medium, the dimensions in addition to the cite of the artist (this is to a greater extent than probable to rest on the dorsum of the work)
  • Do you lot have got a copyright notice fixed to the dorsum of your work? This patently must include your cite in addition to it's reasonable to insist that this is non removed past times a gallery.
Next they demand to know how to notice you
  • Do you lot have got a line of piece of work concern carte du jour in addition to is i attached to the dorsum of your artwork? (Or is it removed past times the gallery. I know i gallery which e'er does this)
  • Do you lot have got a website and/or spider web log which comes nigh the top of a Google search on your name? (or your cite in addition to a relevant arty type word)
  • Does that website teach inwards tardily for people to contact you lot direct? (eg does it include your name, your e-mail address - or where to notice it - and/or a line of piece of work concern telephone number)
  • Do you lot have got a Facebook page for your art which comes upward when people do a search on your name?

Selling your ain art

It seems to me this do developed when the gallery scheme had a stranglehold on the selling of art. However, that's no longer the case.

The creative mortal tin straight off railroad train their ain listing of people who purchase paintings past times selling straight - via opened upward studios, from their website in addition to from their ain ecommerce laid upward online.  Artists tin thence marketplace position straight to their mailing listing if the collector has agreed this tin happen.

However inquire yourself this. Would you lot portion your listing of difficult won buyers amongst other artists? 

That's what galleries think too!


There are roughly major provisos virtually e-mail marketing
  • an creative mortal cannot assume that they tin e-mail buyers without the buyer's specific understanding inwards writing.  That's why it's of import to engage amongst buyer amongst enrolment for a mailing listing earlier you lot sign off a sale.
  • giving out in addition to collecting line of piece of work concern cards at an fine art marketplace position or fine art fair has the potential to generate names you lot tin sign upward to a newsletter - IF you lot inquire people in addition to IF they sign a document to state they grip to emails beingness sent.

What's your view?  How have got you lot tackled this issue?

Do delight permit me know:

  • whether or non this is a job for you lot equally an creative mortal and 
  • what you lot have got done equally a result
  • any other comments you'd similar to make

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