Brand New!! Volition Cadmium Live On Banned Inward Artists' Paints Inward Europe?

The European Chemicals Agency is currently consulting on proposed restrictions - a virtual ban - on the utilisation of  Cadmium inward artists' paints inward Europe. Unless a illustration is made against the proposal Cadmium powerfulness live banned inward artists paints together with other fine art materials inside a dyad of years.

Consultation on the proposed ban on Cadmium inward artists' paints inward Europe

How the proposed ban came about

Sweden prepared a restriction written report on the utilisation of Cadmium inward artists paints
The proposed restriction concerns placing on the marketplace together with utilisation of cadmium together with its
compounds inward artists’ paints; TARIC code [3213] together with pigments TARIC code [3212]
that could live used for the manufacture of artists’ paints.
This is the 203 page Swedish written report (in English) Proposal for a Restriction - Cadmium together with its Compounds I Artists Paints
During utilisation together with cleaning procedures cadmium based artists’ pigment is released to the waste materials water. At the waste materials H2O handling found (WWTP) the cadmium pigments volition for a predominating role cease upwards inward the sewage sludge. Sludge is together with so applied as
fertiliser inward the agriculture. The cadmium compounds used inward artists’ paints
will eventually dissolve inward the pose down (Gustafsson 2013, Appendix 3) together with thus at that topographic point is a potential crop uptake together with inward the extension exposure to humans via food.

Colours, imitating cadmium, already exist. Cadmium based pigments are mainly substituted yesteryear organic pigments. The properties of the organic pigments are inward many
ways similar to cadmium colours but cannot live considered identical together with thus cause got to live evaluated on a illustration - yesteryear - illustration footing yesteryear the private artist.

The alternatives are mostly less costly per book unit of measurement but demand larger volumes than cadmium based paints. In this written report it is assumed that these aspects cancel each other out The proposed restriction volition effectively trim the identified risk.

Consultation on the proposal

You tin comment on the proposal before xix September 2014 - yet I suggest you lot read the commentary yesteryear Spectrum Artist Paints first

Click this link to discovery out how you lot tin laissez passer on comments

Public consultation on restriction proposal

Anyone tin comment on a proposal to confine a substance. Those most probable to live interested are companies, organisations representing manufacture or civil society, private citizens, equally good equally populace authorities.

Comments are welcomed from the European Union or beyond.

The populace consultation lasts for vi months.


Provide your comments inside the outset iii months of the consultation menses to ensure that your comments are taken into occupation concern human relationship when the rapporteurs of ECHA's Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) together with the Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) run across iii months later the publication of the proposal.

Write your comments inward English, if possible.

Response to appointment from the fine art community

Spectrum Artists Paints is leading a drive for cadmium inward artists' paints. Read their weblog posts
Naturally the manufacturers together with distributors of artists' pigment are most concerned. Here's some articles almost the problem
  • Jackson's Art Blog - Cadmium inward crisis! This publicised the work associated amongst the Swedish proposal
  • Latterly, The United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland magazine Artists & Illustrators has got involved amongst publicising The drive for cadmium
  • Golden Artist Colours -  Will Cadmium Always Be On The Palette? This highlights the risks associated amongst Cadmium together with the potential choice pigments
Artists cause got too commented. In Complicated Cadmium Botanical Artist Jarnie Godwin comments on the availability of choice pigments together with paints yesteryear dissimilar manufacturers.

UPDATE - to a greater extent than comments together with responses (as at sixth July 2014)

More weblog posts of Jackson's Art Blog
  • Spectrum Artists Paints is leading a drive for cadmium inward artists' paints. Read their weblog posts
    Naturally the manufacturers together with distributors of artists' pigment are most concerned. Here's some articles almost the problem
    • Jackson's Art Blog - Cadmium inward crisis! This publicised the work associated amongst the Swedish proposal
    • Latterly, The United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland magazine Artists & Illustrators has got involved amongst publicising The drive for cadmium
    • Golden Artist Colours -  Will Cadmium Always Be On The Palette? This highlights the risks associated amongst Cadmium together with the potential choice pigments
    Artists cause got too commented. In

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