Brand New!! Richard Twose In Addition To David Jon Kassan - Video Interviews Amongst Bp Portrait Observe Prizewinners 2014

Here are my side yesteryear side 2 video interviews amongst artists winning prizes at the the BP Portrait Award 2014 Ceremony,  held this calendar week inward the exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery inward London.

Video interviews below are with:
  • 2nd prizewinner - Richard Twose (UK)
  • 3rd prizewinner - David Jon Kasssan (USA)
All iii of the prizewinners convey something to learn us close the procedure of beingness selected for the BP Portrait Award
  • An awareness that yous actually demand to enhance your game together with pigment your really best if yous desire to last selected. All had idea close entering the contest for a long fourth dimension earlier they submitted this year's entry. 
  • The advantages of choosing a model amongst an interesting caput together with human face upwards together with backstory. None of the models were young. All convey faces which convey lived a life albeit they convey all led really dissimilar lives. I guess that gives graphic symbol to the portrait also equally making paradigm peel a lot to a greater extent than interesting!
  • They all convey a passion for paradigm which comes through strongly inward each interview
  • All were humble close their ain selection. All felt really strongly that only beingness selected for the exhibition was a massive achievement of itself - since the operate of exclusively 55 artists is chosen from submissions yesteryear over 2,377 artists
Both Richard together with David agreed that Thomas's portrait of Man inward a Plaid Blanket was a really worthy winner - together with that yous cannot musical rhythm out inspecting a paradigm inward mortal to consider the pigment on the surface of the back upwards together with what the creative mortal has done amongst it.

In add-on I would banker's complaint that ALL THREE of the prizewinning portraits were of the caput together with upper trunk together with the hands also equally the human face upwards were really evident inward all three. Hence yous mightiness acquire selected if yous move inward only a caput but I uncertainty you'll last shortlisted.

So - on to the interviews.

An interview amongst Richard Twose

Jean Woods  by Richard Twose
Second Prize (£10,000): Richard Twose (age 51 - 01.04.1963) for Jean Woods (900 x 600mm, crude on board).

Judges’ comments - Jean Woods 

The judges straightaway recognised the potent personality coming through inward this portrait. The fashionable Modernist lineament of the paradigm was good judged together with seemed to reverberate the dependent area perfectly’
Richard Twose is a Bath-based fine art instructor (for 2 days a calendar week - inward a large 6th shape college inward Bath).  His portrait is of Jean Woods, historic menses 76, a grandmothe of four, a old fashion model together with the star of the documentary Fabulous Fashionistas. Listen to the interview to observe out how Richard came to encounter Jean together with pigment her.
Sometimes equally Jean was talking, especially close her much-missed belatedly husband, she reminded me of Rembrandt's Portrait of Margaretha de Geer. Jean has a like intensity together with honesty inward her gaze. I wanted to capture that sense of someone who has learnt to last almost fearless, looking forrad to life nonetheless but amongst a dandy richness of sense behind her’.

An interview amongst David Jon Kassan

Letter to my Mum yesteryear David Jon Kassan
Third Prize (£8,000): David Jon Kassan (age 37 - 25.02.1977) for Letter to my Mom (1245 x 810mm, crude on aluminium panel)

Judges’ comments - Letter to my Mom

‘The judges were moved yesteryear the palpable human relationship betwixt the sitter together with his woman rear inward this portrait. They felt in that place was a placidity inward the pose together with were peculiarly struck yesteryear the artist’s attending to his mother’s hands’.
David's portrait of his woman rear includes a written tribute inward Hebrew inscribed into the painting. His woman rear is non a willing sitter but consented to sit down when she was offered a pigment of her grandson Lucas.
‘My operate is really personal together with heartfelt. It’s my visual diary, together with thus my identify unit of measurement together with loved ones construct upwards a large role of what together with why I paint. My parents convey ever been inspirational to paint. This portrait is a missive of the alphabet to my mom, who hates it when I pigment her. But I say her inward the paradigm that yesteryear paradigm her, it is my means of spending fourth dimension amongst her, contemplating our human relationship together with fourth dimension together, my earliest memories’. 
The Hebrew text painted onto the portrait higher upwards the sitter reads: 
‘Dear Mom,/ This paradigm is my means to pass to a greater extent than fourth dimension amongst you./ My means to meditate on our life together./ And all of the earliest memories I convey / All of my earliest memories from you.’

Note: I should explicate that both interviews were held inward the noisiest BP Portrait Award Press View I've ever been inward - lots of chatting going on. Consequently the persuasion of faces was dictated yesteryear how unopen I needed to last to construct certain the microphone picked upwards their voices!

BP Portrait Award - previous years

I've been roofing the BP Portrait Award for some years together with convey an extensive archive of posts relating to previous competitions which I know are much studied yesteryear those contemplating an entry!

BP Portrait Award - Shortlisted artists on Making H5N1 Mark:

BP Portrait Award 2012

BP Portrait Award 2011

BP Portrait Award 2010

BP Portrait Award 2009

BP Portrait Award 2008

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