Rhs Botanical Fine Art Demo 2015 - Selected Artists

One of the exhibitions I comprehend extensively every twelvemonth is the RHS Botanical Art Show.

Part of the 2014 RHS Botanical fine art Exhibition

Selected Artists 2015

These are the artists who accept been selected past times the RHS to exhibit at this demonstrate (which is non the solely RHS Show at which botanical fine art is exhibited - exactly it is the principal one). 

We look to accept to a greater extent than artists overall exactly fewer artists from the USA, Australia, South Africa as well as Korea.

Note: Any international artists planning to sell their artwork at the exhibition ask to hold upwardly aware of the novel European Union rules virtually VAT which started on 1 Jan 2015 (of which to a greater extent than anon - exactly the bottom trouble is y'all ask to hold upwardly registered for VAT inwards the UK)


  • Deirdre Bean GM (2012) - Australia's mangroves: living on the edge The mangroves are the plain of written report of Deirdre's postal service graduate studies inwards Natural History Illustration. Deirdre has paintings inwards populace collections at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, the Hunt Institute of Botanical Documentation, Pittsburgh, USA, as well as inwards the Florilegium collection at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney.


  • Vanda Adamson - French hedgerow flowers as well as fruit


  • Lucilla Carcano GM - Autumn Walks: the patterns of leafage color during the season Lucilla has been icon botanical fine art since 1994. In 2006 she won both an RHS Gold Medal as well as the Best inwards Show Award at the exhibition inwards Birmingham.


Japan has a major contingent of artists exhibiting this year.
    Kimiyo Maruyama’s Pinus palustris is a feat of attending to detail; a painstakingly painted watercolour which leaves y'all enraptured at her patience as well as skill.


  • Sansanee Deekrajang - Tropical Climate Plants  Sansanee was born inwards Thailand exactly instantly lives inwards West Lothian. She won a Silver Gilt at BISCOT 2014.  She has also exhibited at the Margaret Flockton Award inwards Commonwealth of Australia inwards 2013.
  • Waree Sawangarom - The Magnificent Garden Tree Waree is from Amphoe Muang Nonthaburi, Thailand. You tin also notice her come about Etsy.


Gulnar Eksi at the RHS Botanical Art Exhibition 2013


  • Kate Barling - Six varieties of apples, grown inwards a Devon garden
  • Pearl Bostock - Bedgebury National Pinetum Signatory trees Pearl is the founder fellow member as well as Chairman of the Florilegium Society at Bedgebury National Pinetum, Goudhurst, Kent which has the most consummate collection of temperate conifers. I was wondering when I was going to come across some botanical artwork connected to Bedgebury!  She's also a fellow member of the grouping of botanical artists called Amicus Botanicus who invite me to their exhibitions.
  • Jessie Carr - In Depth Seed Studies  According to her Facebook Page, Jessie's exhibit is instantly titled 'Exposing the Nature of Nurture'. She lives inwards Cornwall.
  • Guy William Eves - The Black as well as White of Colour. Guy is a swain of The Chelsea Physic Garden Florilegium Society as well as has had go exhibited at The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation inwards Pittsburgh, USA
  • Leigh Ann Gale - The Diversity of Clematis Leigh Ann completed her completed her diploma inwards botanical representative at the English linguistic communication Gardening School, Chelsea Physic Garden as well as is a fellow member of the Hampton Court Palace Florilegium Society
  • Nicola Macartney - All Glory is Fleeting - Papaver Flowering Nicola is a graduate of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh's Diploma inwards Botanical Illustration - a course of written report that has a lot of RHS Gold Medals associated alongside it. She started her studies inwards 2008 as well as completed the Diploma - alongside Distinction - inwards 2012.
  • Jill Mayhew - Inside the Fruit Cage - a Collection of Soft Fruits Jill is a fellow member of the Chelsea Physic Garden Florilegium Society as well as has a icon included inwards the Highgrove Florilegium.
  • Claire McDermott - Michaelmas Claire studied RHS Horticulture - Plant Morphology /microscopic go at Harrow College as well as so Botanical Illustration at The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  • Francesca Ross - Crab Apple Varieties from RHS Garden Hyde Hall.   Born inwards Devon as well as currently lives inwards Essex - thence the Hyde Hall connection.
  • Fran Thomas - Plants of the Coast as well as Islands of the Firth of Forth - Fran is from Scotland as well as did her Diploma at RGBG. She won a Silvery Gilt at this demonstrate inwards 2014
  • Kathy Pickles GM - Fritillaria as well as Helleborus. Kathy has exhibited v times as well as an RHS Gold Medal on each occasion. She won her start Gold Medal inwards 1991. Her artwork has been acquired past times as well as is inwards the collections of The Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew as well as Edinburgh, the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation inwards Pittsburgh as well as the Shirley Sherwood Collection.
  • Peta Stockton GM - Acacia Plants – Bark as well as Thorns. Peta won her RHS Gold Medal inwards 2006. Originally from South Africa, Peta instantly lives inwards Sevenoaks inwards Kent.  She has go inwards the collections of Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, the Lindley Library of the Royal Horticultural Society inwards London, the Hunt Institute of Carnegie Mellon University inwards Pittsburgh, as well as the Shirley Sherwood Collection.
  • Margaret Walty - Orchid Hybrids Maraget lives inwards the S of Scotland as well as is a professional person painter
  • Jenny Webster - Going to Seed Jenny was awarded a Diploma alongside distinction from the Society of Botanical Artists inwards 2009 as well as won an RHS Silver Gilt medal inwards 2012. She's a fellow member of the London Chelsea Physic Garden grouping of painters. She's a fellow member of the Leicestershire Society of Botanical Illustrators.
  • Amanda Willoughby Heavy metal-tolerant plants of abandoned Pb mines inwards the North Pennines as well as the Peak District.  Amanda has won 2 previous RHS Medals for "Rare as well as Endangered Cornfield Flowers" as well as "Plants of the Urban Wasteland"

More Exhibits as well as Demonstrations

In improver the demonstrate volition include exhibits as well as demonstrations from the next artists as well as societies


  • Susan Christopher-Coulson - Susan is the Vice President of the Society of Botanical Artists as well as has won many awards. She works inwards coloured pencils as well as volition hold upwardly demonstrating techniques for drawing suitable objects for botanical fine art as well as how to create special effects.
  • Hannah McVicar - Hannah is an illustrator as well as printmaker. She is bringing her Portable Artist Printmaking Studio to the demonstrate to demonstrate how she works. 
  • this post as well as this post). This fourth dimension she hold upwardly a arrive at of botanical fine art techniques inwards her capacity equally a botanical fine art tutor. Her instructional DVDs as well as other trade volition hold upwardly available to purchase. 

Florilegium Societies

Two of the Florilegium Societies inwards the South East are exhibiting paintings inwards their collection together alongside data as well as advice from creative someone members
  • Chelsea Physic Garden Florilegium Society - 2015 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Society as well as their exhibit volition include paintings from the Chelsea Physic Garden collection, data virtually their upcoming mass as well as a adventure to buy prints, cards as well as postal service cards of their work.  
  • Hampton Court Palace Florilegium Society - The Society’s aim is to tape plants grown inwards the gardens at Hampton Court Palace, alongside especial emphasis on the Palace’s unique flora collections such equally the Queen Mary Exoticks. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 pick of master pieces volition hold upwardly shown, addition artists volition demonstrate the skills required to pigment for the Florilegium. 

Note: If you're non familiar alongside florilegium y'all powerfulness notice this postal service interesting equally it defines what is a florilegium as well as describes their history - Volume 1 of The Highgrove Florilegium is published

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