How To Larn Into The £30,000 Bp Portrait Honour 2015 - In Addition To Amend Your Chances Of Beingness Selected

The website for the BP Portrait Exhibition 2015 is at nowadays online - consummate amongst data nigh how to enter. As I have got done inwards previous years, I've compiled my real pop Making H5N1 Mark Guide to assist brand sure you lot have got spotted all the really relevant "need to know" facts.

Read my guide (below) showtime as well as you'll acquire the hang of the official pages to a greater extent than quickly! Or at to the lowest degree that's what a lot of the artists who acquire into tell me every year!

Thomas Kanter, winner of the BP Portrait Award 2014
meets Winner of the 2013 Award Susanne du Toit
This post covers:
  • the major alter to the entry procedure for BP Portrait Award 2015 is the introduction of DIGITAL SUBMISSION for 100% of the entries. There is no to a greater extent than postal entries - which I've already alerted people nigh in BP Portrait Award 2015 entry goes digital
  • why this is a contest worth entering 
  • how to acquire selected
  • a review of the entry details for those who don't similar real pocket-sized white impress on a dark background! 
  • links to past times posts nigh the BP Portrait Award as well as exhibition reviews on this blog

It is of course of report no substitute for the existent affair as well as I won't embrace every finally especial - thence you lot silent have got to read all the conditions.

Don't forget to permit me know if your entry gets selected!

What's dissimilar inwards 2015

The major alter for 2015 is that entry is going to last 100% via digital paradigm submission.
We volition no longer last accepting postal entries for the competition. All submissions must last made online via the website.
The entrants who are successful inwards this circular volition thence last invited to hand-deliver or courier their operate to a venue inwards London for the minute circular of judging as well as terminal exhibition selection. 

The benefits of the movement to 100% digital submission are:
  • it opens upwards entry to artists who may last seriously deterred past times the expenses associated amongst the previous requirement to submit the actual portrait painting. 
  • it's going to cutting costs significantly for ALL those who submit - but don't brand the cutting for the minute circular of selection. 
    • The exclusively damage volition last the entry fee as well as whatsoever costs associated amongst a decent digital image. 
    • Most tin sack eliminate the go or courier costs totally as well as forget nigh the expense of framing for exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery
  • it saves time - no to a greater extent than visits to the framers for most artists, or the couriers or the National Portrait Gallery
  • it's much to a greater extent than cost-effective for artists, judges as well as the gallery!  You may last surprised when I state judges as well as gallery - but recollect the paintings had to last stored - as well as the judges had to sit down for a real long fourth dimension piece the portraits are paraded inwards front end of them!  

The challenges associated amongst digital submission
  • the contest increases significantly. Last year, inwards the showtime yr of digital submission - the entries increased past times over 20%
  • you demand access to a computer fifty-fifty if you lot don't have got 1 or utilisation one
  • you MUST submit a skilful character digital image
  • if you lot can't afford the fees of a professional person lensman you lot may demand to larn nigh how to convey photograph as well as create a digital image! Fortunately the contest organisers have got provided a comprehensive guide to How to photograph your work.

Why acquire into the BP Portrait Award 2015?

10 reasons to acquire into this competition

  1. This contest has been characterised every bit "the Oscars of Portraiture". It's for certain 1 of the most prestigious fine art prizes inwards the world.
  2. Get selected as well as you lot have got a skilful direct chances of winning a major prize. Nearly 10% of those portraits are selected for the exhibition stand upwards a direct chances of winning 1 of the 5 major prizes. They're worth betwixt £6,000 as well as £35,000.
  3. It's an international competition. This is an fine art contest that welcomes entries from international artists - as well as it gets entries from all over the world. It likewise regularly has prizewinners from all over the world!
  4. The contest is fierce - finally yr at that spot was a record-breaking 2,377 entries - from which c.300 were long-listed as well as 55 were selected for exhibition.
  5. Just beingness selected for the BP enhances an artists career - later on all exclusively 55 portrait artists (2.3% of the entry) had their paintings selected as well as hung inwards the BP Portrait Prize Exhibition 2014.
  6. A HUGE issue of people come upwards to see this exhibition. This is a major fine art prize inwards a major fine art gallery correct inwards the centre of London. The BP Portrait exhibition regularly gets over 250k visitors before it tours some the UK! This Prize is 1 of the principal reasons why the National Portrait Gallery inwards London is inwards the plough over twenty fine art galleries as well as museums inwards the world 
  7. The Public acquire to minute gauge the judges. H5N1 People's Choice Award goes to the portrait which receives the most votes from visitors to the exhibition.
  8. If selected and/or shortlisted you lot may acquire a committee from the National Portrait Gallery at some dot inwards the future. You don't have got to win First Prize to bring together the listing of artists who have commissions from the National Portrait Gallery. Artists who have got been regularly selected and/or shortlisted inwards the past times have got gone on to arrive at portraits for the Gallery.
  9. This is a "game changer" of a prize. It typically has a real positive comport upon on the careers of artists who win the plough over prize. 
  10. Even if you lot don't acquire shortlisted, you may expose that your icon gets massive exposure if chosen to marketplace the exhibition. In the summertime of 2014, artwork past times selected artists were seen hanging on a banner exterior the entrance to the gallery or on adverts on the Underground as well as all circular London.

[UPDATE 25.11.14. Just had a suggested for TWO EXTRA REASONS from former prizewinner (in 2010)
Special thank you lot to Katherine Tyrrell for working nonstop on her coverage of the BP Portrait Award. I have got to add together some other argue to the list. It volition motivate you, definitely if you lot acquire inwards the show, to acquire your butt over to London to see the show. Who doesn't desire to acquire to London! Okay I am going to add together 1 more. The networking as well as friendships you lot volition brand amongst boyfriend artists inwards the present are unbeatable.

How to acquire selected

Winners tend to come upwards from those who have got previously been selected for the exhibition. Those who win the showtime fourth dimension they acquire into are few as well as far between.  If you lot are thinking nigh entering, last clear that it's a real large bargain simply to acquire selected

Here are some suggestions nigh how to acquire selected - based on sense as well as observation:
  • you MUST submit an fantabulous digital image which is accurate as well as totally illustration of your portrait. It's thence slow to spend upwards artwork which disappoints when seen inwards soul compared to the photo!
  • Impress the judges - present you lot tin sack practice hands every bit good every bit heads! Create a portrait which reflects the commissions of contemporary portraiture inwards the NPG collection.  Such commissions real oftentimes have got heads as well as upper torsos including the hands. 
  • Head studies practice acquire selected however....  but if you lot aspect at my past times videos of the exhibitions (see my YouTube playlist for my videos of the BP Portrait as well as Travel Awards), you'll banknote the nature of the portraits which acquire inwards through to the final
  • If you lot desire to stand out from the crowd, pigment to a greater extent than than 1 person! It seems to me to a greater extent than than probable that real few grouping portraits are submitted every bit real few acquire selected . 

The Prizes

There are 5 prizes on offering as well as ii have got additional criteria relating to selection.

If your portrait is shortlisted, you lot MUST attend the Awards Ceremony as well as dinner on the even of 16 June 2015 and are likewise expected to attend the Press View on the morning time of Midweek 17 June 2015.

Sandy Nairne speaking at the Awards Ceremony 2014

Main Prizes

The principal prizes are:
  • First Prize: £30,000 plus a committee worth £5,000. The committee is at the judges’ discretion as well as has to last agreed between the National Portrait Gallery as well as the artist.
  • Second Prize: £10,000
  • Third Prize: £8,000

The BP Young Artist Award: £7,000 

Selected artists aged betwixt xviii as well as thirty are automatically considered for the BP Young Artist Award. However it cannot last won inwards improver to 1 of the 3 plough over prizes. Artists must last thirty years of historic menstruum or nether on 1 Jan 2015 to last eligible for the BP Young Artist Award.

BP Travel Award 2015: £6,000

All 2015 exhibitors tin sack submit a proposal for the BP Travel Award.
The aim of the Award is to supply the chance for an creative soul to sense working inwards a dissimilar environment, inwards Great Britain or abroad, on a projection related to portraiture which volition thence last shown every bit role of the BP Portrait Award 2016 exhibition as well as tour inwards 2016–17.

The Judges

The Judges this yr volition last immature lady for the showtime fourth dimension the guiding paw of the electrical current Director of the National Portrait Gallery Sandy Nairne who is nigh to retire.  You tin sack even thence silent read his volume nigh portraits selected for the Award inwards the past times - see 500 Portraits: BP Portrait Award consummate amongst data nigh how to acquire into How to acquire into the £30,000 BP Portrait Award 2015 - as well as amend your chances of beingness selected
This is a video of Sandy Nairne explaining how the judging has worked inwards the past

The 2015 Judges are:
  • Pim Baxter, Deputy Director, National Portrait Gallery (Chair)
  • Sarah Howgate, Contemporary Curator, National Portrait Gallery
  • Kim Mawhinney, Head of Art, National Museums Northern Ireland
  • Peter Monkman, Artist as well as winner of BP Portrait Award 2009
  • Simon Schama, Historian
  • Des Violaris, Director - U.K. Arts & Culture, BP
This is an extract from the guide to how the judging volition operate inwards 2015
How volition the judging procedure work?All images volition last viewed at the Gallery past times a panel of judges. It is expected that nigh 500 volition be selected to acquire inwards through to a minute circular of judging. For the minute circular the selected artists volition last asked to deliver their operate to a location inwards London.Details volition last sent to the selected artists directly. It is at this phase that the same judging panel will decide on the terminal pick of fifty‐five industrial plant for the exhibition, including the winners


2015 Exhibition

The BP Portrait Award Exhibition volition last opened upwards to the populace at the National Portrait Gallery from xviii June to twenty September 2015

2014 Exhibition

You tin sack see the 2014 BP Portrait Award exhibition at The Scottish National Portrait Gallery 28 Nov – 12 Apr 2015

The Rules

The worst error you lot tin sack brand when entering fine art competitions is to create a operate for a contest as well as thence realise that it isn't eligible or you lot can't acquaint it inwards the correct agency past times a deadline.

That's why you lot demand to read The 2015 Rules 3 times now! 

The rules on the website are somewhat inaccesible
There's a lot of rules as well as they're non slow to read because the written every bit white on dark (never slow to read) inwards real tiny impress amongst no spacing - amongst fifty-fifty smaller impress as well as less accessible color on the entry form. In my persuasion that makes them impossible to read easily fifty-fifty if you lot have got fantabulous eyesight.

However at that spot is at nowadays a separate document of FAQs which makes the rules much to a greater extent than accessible

Below is my attempt at brand the rules accessible. I review as well as revise it each year. I've dissever the rules upwards into sections relating to
  1. the artist
  2. the portrait
Note inwards especial that industrial plant tin sack last disqualified - fifty-fifty if selected for exhibition - if they have got non adhered to the rules!

RULES: Who tin sack enter

  • Artists must last aged xviii years or over every bit of 1 Jan 2015.
Artists should last aware that all industrial plant are judged on an equal as well as anonymous ground as well as that at that spot is no segregated judging past times share or country.

RULES: The Portrait

Pay especial attending to these.  I've detected much more careful scrutiny as well as a tightening of the application of the rules inwards recent years.  Some are beingness spelt out to a greater extent than clearly - as well as presumably 1 must assume they have got been ignored inwards the past!!
The National Portrait Gallery reserves the correct to disqualify whatsoever slice of operate if the creative soul has non adhered to the rules, fifty-fifty if the operate has been selected for exhibition

Each creative soul is express to ONE ENTRY PER ARTIST.

The operate entered
  • must last recent i.e. completed later on 1 Jan 2014. You are required to indicate:
    • the engagement of the showtime sitting
    • the engagement the portrait was completed (Bear inwards hear that if the portrait has been completed or exhibited prior to 1 Jan 2014 somebody is going to tell the contest organisers!)
  • SHOULD last a icon based on a sitting or report from life AND the human figure MUST predominate.  You demand to signal on the shape whether or non you lot have got met the sitter.
    • can last a self portrait 
    • can last a grouping portrait
  • MUST be available for the entire menstruum of the exhibition as well as the tour to ii other venues.
    • you are asked to confirm the start date.  This needs to pre-date the completion date (latter was novel inwards 2012.  I intend this is an expanse where entries have got been caught out inwards the past)
  • must NOT last a operate previously submitted for consideration. 
  • should NOT last signed on the front.  All entries should last anonymous.  The judges may spend upwards a work if they determine that this dominion has been compromised.

Media as well as Size:

  • MUST last predominantly painted inwards oil, tempera or acrylic (No watercolours, industrial plant on newspaper or pastels volition last considered )
  • MUST last on a stretcher or boardpreferably framed as well as unglazed
  • MUST be 
    • bigger than 25 x 20cm (10” x 8”) unframed. Smaller industrial plant volition non last considered.
    • smaller than 244 x 244cm (96" x 96") framed (including the frame).  
    • Multi-part portraits - upwards to 3 parts - must comply amongst the size constraints for 1 operate when installed.

RULES: Submission

The Digital Image

You are required to upload 1 photograph of your entire portrait. You likewise have got the choice to submit an extra photograph of a especial of the work. This may last a skilful chance to present the level of detail, the texture of the pigment or a especial expanse of involvement inwards the composition.
  • Images must be:
    • Saved inwards JPEG (.jpg) format
    • Smaller than 3MB (3,000k)
    • At to the lowest degree 1,080 pixels on its longest side (height for portrait format images, width for landscape format images).
  • The pick procedure is based on the paradigm you lot upload - fifty-fifty if it is non finished when you lot upload it
  • You acquire to determine whether or non to include the frame

The submission process

  • Complete the 2015 online entry form and upload it as well as the paradigm as well as pay the registration fee (£38) to the NPG past times 23.59 on Tuesday 3 Feb 2015.
  • All correspondence amongst artists volition last via e-mail - as well as it's upwards to you lot to banking company check your email!
  • All entrants volition last notified if their operate is selected 
    • for the minute circular of judging past times 27 Feb 2015.
    • for exhibition past times 1 Apr 2015.
  • There are lots of real detailed requirements every bit to submission as well as collection of the actual icon - I've summarised some of these below but at that spot is to a greater extent than as well as my advice is to read it all real carefully!
    • All artists are responsible for the insurance of their works. In other words submit at your ain risk.
    • The National Portrait Gallery volition non conform courier collections or post industrial plant on behalf of the creative soul (unless they are international - I'm non sure whether Scotland as well as Wales count!)
    • International artists should likewise pay especial attending to their fiscal liabilities (eg import duties etc) as well as what they are required to do. The gallery volition brand sure that your packaging is kept thence that it tin sack last reused when the courier /transport agent comes to collect your work. The Gallery volition send the operate dorsum to you lot if you lot include pre-paid postage
  • There are detailed weather condition relating to copyright as well as publication which all entrants should read.

Want to know to a greater extent than nigh the BP Portrait Award ?

Bookmark this spider web log if you lot desire to see futurity spider web log posts nigh the BP Portrait Award. In the futurity I volition publish:
  • a reminder nigh the deadline for entries
  • the listing of artists selected for the exhibition
  • the listing of shortlisted artists
  • the awards ceremony
  • a video of the exhibition
Below are spider web log posts for before exhibitions on Making H5N1 Mark. Note these include links to my videos of the exhibition. You tin sack likewise expose links to all posts on my website Portraiture - Resources for Artists

BP Portrait Award 2015

BP Portrait Award 2014

BP Portrait Award 2013

BP Portrait Award 2012

BP Portrait Award 2011

BP Portrait Award 2010

BP Portrait Award 2008 

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