Ra Summertime Exhibition 2015: Telephone Weep Upwardly For 12,000 Entries

How to motility into the world's largest opened upwards fine art exhibition

This post is virtually the entry procedure for the world's largest opened upwards submission fine art contest - the 2015 Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts.
  • for those who receive got non submitted before - and
  • for those who receive got but forgotten how as well as take away a reminder!
The exhibition showcases painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, architecture as well as film.
In 2013, nearly 70% of the exhibits were yesteryear non-Academicians, £70,000 worth of prizes was awarded as well as over 5,000 plant were sold.
If you're neat to enter, you'll live disappointed if you lot are non i of the get-go 12,000 entries - because they are entirely accepting that publish for the get-go circular of screening.

So avoid beingness disappointed, every bit some artists were lastly year, as well as DO NOT LEAVE information technology TOO LATE to larn a form to submit your work!

My persuasion arriving for the preview of the Summer Exhibition inward June 2014
they were setting upwards for the glitzy preview amongst the celebrities inward the evening!

If you're non certain whether or non you lot desire to submit your work, why non cheque out my review of the Summer Exhibition 2014 at the Royal Academy of Arts - it contains lots of images of the selected fine art hung on the walls of this enormous exhibition.


The cardinal documents you lot MUST read are:
I'll attempt as well as brand feel of these below.  Here's a brief summary of some tips I highlighted lastly year

Tips for submission

  • The forms are non transferable - as well as nor are the bar codes. So you lot can't larn a cast off a friend.
  • You must province the media used for drawings, prints as well as sculpture.
  • Transportation is non organised yesteryear the Royal Academy. Expenses of submission are the responsibleness of the artist.
  • You cannot submit piece of job yesteryear post
  • Work must live unpacked before it is submitted. However:
    • framed piece of job volition live rejected if it has whatever projection or hanging fixtures on the contrary of the work. Pictures are stacked as well as thence in that place must live nil which tin scratch some other work.
    • to avoid frames beingness damaged, artists are recommended to ensure soft padding protects all the corners of all artwork submitted.
  • Don't forget to consummate both the tie-on as well as other labels as well as apply the bar codes properly - NOT chore to live done inward a rush!
I've besides got a twain of generic posts virtually entering fine art competitions which lots of people receive got told me they uncovering useful. They are:

Who's organising it this year?

I uncovering that those selected to select are a proficient indication of what type of fine art powerfulness live favoured.  See what you lot brand of the RAs who are on the 2015 Selection as well as Hanging Committee
The judges volition shortlist upwards to 4,000 entries to live delivered to the Academy for a mo round
The Summer Exhibition Coordinator for 2015 is Irish Gaelic born as well as American educated Michael Craig-Martin.  This is his website - as well as I intend I've but spotted the individual influential inward determining the RA's novel website (which I genuinely dislike - it's ditched all the links to yesteryear exhibitions!). Either that or he got a makeover for his site from the bod who did the RA site!

He's going to live assisted inward relation to Selection as well as Hanging yesteryear the 2015 Committee who are listed below. The link inward their rear is to the RA webpage for this private as well as the their ain personal website is besides listed if available.


  • Olwyn Bowey - elected 1975 as well as instantly inward her belatedly 70s; she draws, paints as well as has produced prints. Her piece of job has locomote increasingly concerned amongst flora life as well as greenhouses as well as her studio is inward a greenhouse
  • Gus Cummins http://www.guscummins.com - elected 1992; instantly produces 2.5 dimensional paintings of architectural/mechanical objects as well as interiors
  • Jock McFadyen http://www.jockmcfadyen.com - elected 2012; ex Glaswegian as well as ex instructor at the Slade; instantly paints monumental urban landscapes
  • David Remfry http://www.davidremfry.com - elected 2006; elected a fellow member of the Royal Watercolour Society inward 1987; paints large urban watercolours
  • Mick Rooney no website - elected 1991; this is an article inward Artists & Illustrators about The piece of job of Mick Rooney RA

Engravers, Printmakers as well as Draughtsmen

  • Printmaker Norman Ackroyd whose piece of job I absolutely love. Some of you lot may recall my post - Norman Ackroyd on iPlayer


Architects as well as Designers

Installation persuasion of Summer Exhibition 2014
c. Benedict Johnson/Royal Academy of Arts
The 2015 Process - Timeline as well as how to enter

Stages of the submission procedure are inward red.  It's a complicated procedure for those novel to the Summer Exhibition. This is a procedure which is desperately inward take away of a stream chart!

Before you lot start you lot powerfulness similar to take a hold back at some images of the procedure of putting together a Summer Exhibition inward previous years (just maintain scrolling downwardly - in that place are some interesting perspectives)

Who tin enter

  • Anybody tin enter. 
  • There is no upper or lower historic stream limit. 
  • You don't receive got to alive inward the Britain or live a college trained artist.

What tin you lot enter

Works where you lot created as well as where you lot concur all the relevant intellectual belongings rights

By submitting a Work(s) when you lot are the Artist of such Work(s), you lot confirm that you lot concur all intellectual belongings rights inward the Work(s) as well as that you lot receive got obtained whatever 3rd political party consents required for the operate of 3rd political party owned fabric contained inward the Work(s).

You tin motility into anything which is non listed every bit inadmissable

Inadmissible Works

The next types of piece of job are inadmissible:
  • works that are over the specified size boundary of 244 x 350cm (excluding sculpture as well as architectural models)
  • works that receive got already been exhibited inward a major establishment inward London (excluding prints)
  • printed reproductions of master artworks
  • works that contain noxious or toxic substances, receive got flammability below 50°c or comprise unsafe electrical appliances; or
  • editions of sculptures cast inward materials that are unlike to the materials of the exhibited work

The Deadline for Entries

  • The Absolute Deadline: Midnight (GMT) Fri thirteen Feb 2014 - RA closes online entry 
  • Bit it could live before if to a greater extent than than 12,000 entry forms are purchased.  Once the forms are sold they are sold!

Submission - Round 1 - Screening of ALL ENTRIES via digital image

What you lot take away to consummate a digital entry.

The RA Summer Exhibition website opened for concern on half dozen Jan 2015. This is where you lot create as well as consummate your digital submission of your entry (i.e. obtain as well as pay for your entry form, consummate submission of your online entry cast as well as upload digital images).

  • You must live able to access a figurer as well as you lot must receive got an e-mail address because ALL entries are digital 
  • EITHER register on the 2015 Summer Exhibition website as well as opened upwards an online account. If making a submission on behalf of somebody you lot take away to live authorised to exercise so as well as you lot must verify your e-mail address before you lot tin proceed
  • OR login to your online account laid upwards inward a previous twelvemonth - run into top correct paw corner of the Summer Exhibition 2015 Home Page (you did recall to maintain the details of your concern human relationship rear as well as password didn't you?  If you've forgotten this is how to larn a novel password)
There are 2 types of Entry Form: i for submitting i Work as well as some other for submitting 2 Works.
  • Next you lot receive got to order as well as pay for your Entry FormYou cannot submit without i of the entry forms for the 12,000 artworks which volition entered (this is a cap - inward the yesteryear people receive got tried to submit to a greater extent than plant than this). You cannot larn a refund if you lot exercise non operate it. It is your forum - as well as cannot be transferred to anybody else
    • Payment  of entry fees is via the website - entry fee per ikon is £25 - payable online yesteryear credit or debit card. (Entry is gratis to Full-time students at recognised fine art schools as well as Watercolour Artist Friends) 
    • payment must live made BEFORE you lot tin upload a digital file for the painting 
  • Next you lot take away to upload your digital images of your artwork as well as consummate the entry details of your i or 2 artworks
  • If you lot are an international entrant you lot take away to read the rules on VAT really carefully 
  • (subsequently) monitor the progress of your entry - Results of the get-go circular screening procedure (judging from digital images) will live announced on 13th March  Notification volition live via email 
The Selection Committee volition shortlist upwards to 4,000 entries to live delivered to the Academy for a mo circular of judging. Shortlisted plant from the get-go circular of judging volition live announced on Fri thirteen March 2015.

Submission - Round 2 - Screening delivered plant on shortlist

For the side yesteryear side phase the shortlisted plant take away to live delivered to the RA.
Transportation volition non live organised yesteryear the Royal Academy as well as expenses associated amongst carry shall non live borne yesteryear the RA.
  • Monday 30-31 March (8am – 7pm) as well as 1 Apr 8am – 1pm: Britain Artists (Artist’s Book, Drawing, Painting, Photograph, Print, Mixed Media, Watercolour)
  • Wednesday 29th Apr (8am – 7pm): Sculpture
  • Wednesday 29 Apr (8am – 7pm) International Artists (Shortlisted plant inward whatever category as well as medium)
  • Thursday xxx Apr (8am – 7pm): Architecture (Models as well as Wall-Based Works)
  • 2 May - Second circular of judging of shortlisted works
  • 22 May - Announcement of the Final Selection
The engagement you lot deliver your shortlisted artwork volition depend on your country of residence (as completed on your Entry Form) as well as the type of work you receive got submitted.

Collection Dates as well as Times

Works which are non selected and/or hung must live collected.
  • 11 May – v June plant non selected from shortlisted works
  • 21 May – v June plant non selected for lastly hang
  • 22 August - eleven September - plant exhibited inward the Summer Exhibition (ie you lot are responsible for transportation the piece of job to the purchaser - as well as tin exercise so i time you've got a Removal Order)

Specific queries

For specific questions on the procedure non answered inward the FAQs document, you lot volition take away to e-mail the RA Summer Exhibition Team via the website form. Replies may convey upwards to three working day.

Summer Exhibition 2015

The 2014 Summer Exhibition takes house betwixt nine June – 17 August.

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