Brand New!! Ra Summertime Exhibition 2012: Telephone Telephone For Entries

Entry forms for the 2012 Summer Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts are at in ane trial available.
This post is virtually the entry procedure for the world's largest opened upward submission fine art competition.
  • for those who stimulate got non submitted earlier - and 
  • for those who stimulate got simply forgotten how in addition to demand a reminder!
    The courtyard of Burlington House - Summer Exhibition 2010

    The Royal Academy's Annual Summer Exhibition started inward 1768. It has been held every twelvemonth since.  In 2012 the 244th Summer Exhibition volition live on display betwixt quaternary June in addition to twelfth August.
    One of the founding principles of the Royal Academy of Arts was to 'mount an annual exhibition open to all artists of distinguished merit' to finance the grooming of immature artists inward the RA Schools. This has been held every twelvemonth without intermission since 1769 in addition to continues to play a significant component inward raising funds to finance the students. The Royal Academy receives no public funding in addition to then all those who back upward the Summer Exhibition yesteryear submitting work, visiting it and through purchases contribute to supporting artists of the future.  
    Besides the tradition of creating funds for the RA Schools, The Summer Exhibition has ii primary functions:
    • It enables the Royal Academicians to display their piece of work inward a large cardinal London Gallery.  In effect, it's essentially the same equally the Annual Exhibition of an Art Society.  The primary divergence is that their piece of work is often large, imposing in addition to tin comes alongside a cost tag running into several tens of G pounds!
    • It's an opened upward exhibition in addition to a showcase for contemporary fine art of all styles in addition to media. It includes paintings, sculpture, photography, prints, architectural models, film, in addition to artist's books.

    Who tin locomote into the RA's Summer Exhibition?

    Any creative individual - living anywhere inward the globe - may locomote into piece of work for selection.  There is no historic catamenia limit.

    In 2011, over 12,000 entries were received from artists inward 27 countries.  Around about 1,200 are exhibited each year.

    Due to the numbers submitted for exhibition, the RA recognises that all artworks are probable to sense considerable treatment in addition to decline to bring whatever liability for whatever harm or loss during the submission or exhibition process.  It's the artist's responsibleness to insure the artwork.

    The RA besides aims to include good over 100 artists every twelvemonth who stimulate got non previously exhibited inward the Summer Exhibition.

    Why locomote into the Summer Exhibition

    It looks bully on your CV if you're the form of creative individual who is trying to impress galleries which similar that form of matter or are impressed yesteryear such achievements.

    The demo provides an splendid chance to sell your fine art work. During the iii months that the exhibition is on display it volition live seen yesteryear around 200,000 visitors - in addition to people running or owning galleries. All artists are strongly encouraged to locomote into piece of work that is available for sale. (That's called a hint!)

    Who decides what is exhibited?

    The 2012 Exhibition is curated each twelvemonth yesteryear the Selection in addition to Hanging Committee. All industrial plant entered are reviewed yesteryear the Selection in addition to Hanging Committee.

    In 2012, this an annually rotating commission of Royal Academicians - who are all practicing artists in addition to architects - comprises Stephen Chambers, Peter Freeth, Eva Jiricna, Republic of Mali Morris, Humphrey Ocean, Chris Orr, Barbara Rae, Alison Wilding, Chris Wilkinson

    What are the Prizes like?

    The Summer Exhibition is in all likelihood to a greater extent than notable for the overall size of the prize pot rather than the size of private prizes. There are other exhibitions in addition to fine art competitions inward London which tin fit the overstep prize money.

    In total, over £65,000 volition live given inward prizes. All exhibited industrial plant are eligible for the relevant prizes in addition to the awards include
    • The Charles Wollaston Award for the most distinguished piece of work (£25,000), 
    • The Jack Goldhill Award for a sculpture (£10,000), 
    • The Hugh Casson Drawing Prize (£1,500), 
    • The British Institution Awards for students (4 prizes of £1000), 
    • The Rose Award for Photography (£1000), 
    • The Sunny Dupree Family Award for a Woman Artist (£3500) and 
    • The Bovis Lend Lease/Architects Journal Awards for Architecture (£15,000 inward total). 
    How to submit piece of work for the Summer Exhibition

    You are RECOMMENDED to download the listing of oftentimes asked questions (1.0 MB)

    Eligible work: An creative individual may locomote into a maximum of ii industrial plant - preferably created inward the final ii years - for the consideration of the judges, for a treatment accuse of £25.00 per work.

    Inadmissable work is summarised (by me) below - see the entry shape for the precise wording equally the diverse weather which province that a piece of work is non admissable are scattered throughout the document:
    • work that is over the specified size boundary of 244 x 350cm (excluding sculpture);
    • works that stimulate got already been exhibited inward London (excluding fine fine art prints)
    • work which is non master copy (eg copies of works; works that breach the copyright of 3rd parties) 
    • work where the creative individual has non obtained prior written approval for the use of whatever 3rd political party copyrighted cloth contained in the submitted work 
    • work which exposes the RA to peril of legal proceedings (or appears to produce so)
    • work yesteryear an creative individual who died a twelvemonth or to a greater extent than earlier xiii March 2012
    • work which presents an environmental and/or wellness in addition to security peril in addition to does non comply alongside all relevant regulations 
    • work that does non comply alongside the terms in addition to weather of the competition
    • unframed industrial plant or framed piece of work alongside a projection or hanging fixtures on the contrary of the work.  All drawings, watercolours, pictures, miniatures or reliefs in addition to other such works submitted MUST live framed inward a split frame. You tin ship inward unframed canvases but the RA volition NOT bring liability for such works.
    Note that the RA advises strongly advises that artists should use simple, neutral coloured frames where possible.  That's code for "if your frame overpowers the piece of work of others it won't larn selected fifty-fifty if nosotros actually similar the artwork"

    Stages of registration in addition to submission

    There are basically iii stages involved inward submitting piece of work for consideration.
    1. Buy an Entry Form by:
      1. writing in addition to bespeak for ane to live sent to you.  
      2. downloading ane of ii forms available for download for: One Work £25 and Two Works £50
      3. Telephone  020 7300 5929 / 5969  - but don't exit this until the final infinitesimal equally the telephone volition live busy alongside people having other queries
    2. Complete the Call for Entries (registration form) in addition to ship it to the RA alongside the right fee inward £ yesteryear 4pm on 13th March 2012  
    3. Deliver the work on the specific submission days.
    The submission of sculpture is inward ii stages alongside the showtime phase comprising the submission of digital photos.

    You tin pay online or over the telephone yesteryear credit card.  There are no refunds if yous purchase a shape for ii industrial plant but exclusively submit one.

    Deadlines for buying an entry form

    The deadlines for buying an entry shape are:

    • Worldwide (except Europe in addition to UK) - 22nd February
    • Europe (except UK) - sec March
    • UK - ninth March

    International submissions

    Note that at that spot are particular rules for those entering piece of work yesteryear international artists based inward some other solid set down (see section iv Entering piece of work from abroad).  The most of import dominion is that work sent straight yesteryear post or courier to the RA volition non live accepted.  The RA recommends the utilisation of an accredited agent.

    The argue for this is that at that spot are sorts of issues related to import in addition to taxation which demand to live dealt alongside inward an appropriate way in addition to all relevant paperwork must live completed properly.

    Timeline for registration in addition to submission

    There's lots of encouragement every twelvemonth to larn your entry shape EARLY in addition to ONLINE in addition to to avoid the telephone which tin larn rattling busy. The FAQs document gives yous all the details yous demand to know virtually how produce this in addition to how to pay.
    Delivery Days 2011
    Transportation volition non live organised yesteryear the Royal Academy in addition to expenses must live borne by the artist.
    No receipts are issued for piece of work submitted due to the fact the RA are accepting 12,000 industrial plant inward a brusque infinite of time. They produce yet scan the piece of work on arrival.
    • Deadline for receipt of all entry forms: Tuesday xiii March
    • Deadline for photographs of sculpture: Tuesday xiii March
    • Sculpture invited from photographs: 25 April
    • Deliveries yesteryear carry agents exclusively : 23 March
    • Glazed industrial plant (watercolours, prints, drawings, etc): 26 in addition to 27 March (8am - 7pm)
    • Unglazed industrial plant (oils, acrylics, etc): 28 in addition to 29 March (8am - 7pm)
    • Architecture: 28 April"Glazed works" agency industrial plant framed behind glass. These are unremarkably prints, photographs, drawings, in addition to watercolours.
    You tin submit video industrial plant yet all film-based industrial plant must live submitted on a DVD inward QuickTime file format together alongside associated Entry Forms yesteryear 15th March 2011.

    Artists volition live informed inward writing whether or non entries stimulate got been successful by Th 24 May 2012.

    Tips for submission

    The forms are not transferable - in addition to nor are the bar codes.  So yous can't larn a shape off a friend.

    You must province the media used for drawings, prints in addition to sculpture.

    Work must live unpacked earlier it is submitted.  However:
    • framed piece of work volition live rejected if it has whatever projection or hanging fixtures on the contrary of the work.  Pictures are stacked in addition to thus at that spot must live zip which tin scratch some other work.
    • to avoid frames beingness damaged, artists are recommended to ensure soft padding protects all the corners of all artwork submitted.
    Don't forget to consummate both the tie-on in addition to other labels in addition to apply the bar codes properly - NOT  job to live done inward a rush!

    If yous stimulate got whatever queries, please telephone 020 7300 5929 / 5969 ot e-mail the Summer Exhibition Office at

    You produce non endear yourself to organisers yesteryear bespeak a query which is addressed inward the available documentation.  You should read in addition to re-read iii times to brand certain earlier bespeak a query which may waste matter their time.

    Sale Prices in addition to Commission

    My personal persuasion is that depression priced master copy piece of work has lilliputian conduct a chance of acceptance.  A depression cost indicates that the creative individual does non attribute much value to the piece of work - in addition to the RA volition larn a depression marker of commission if it sells.

    On the other paw reasonably priced fine fine art prints stimulate got a habit of selling similar hotcakes!

    The cost is the figure notified on the shape in addition to cannot live changed during the course of didactics of the exhibition. If yous tin larn to the Summer Exhibition it's ever a expert thought to cheque inward advance of submission the cost arrive at of artwork similar to your ain yesteryear artists of comparable standing.

    Note that the next deductions are made from the sale price:
    • VAT if payable yesteryear the creative individual (you must include your VAT reg. no if applicable)
    • commission @30%
    • all costs involved eg UK postage stamp in addition to packing for sending editions of prints to purchasers
    The Exhibition

    The Summer Exhibition is at Burlington House, Royal Academy of Arts iv June - 12 August 2012

    Links:  Art Competitions inward the UK provides to a greater extent than data virtually this in addition to other major fine art competitions inward the UK

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