Brand New!! Mam Awards 2011: Portrait Nominations For Best Artwork

The Making a Mark Prize for Best Artwork - Portrait / Figures 2011 aims to celebrate together with highlight excellence inwards portraiture and/or artwork predominantly involving figures

Below you lot tin mail away uncovering the nominations I received for the  best motion-picture present (portrait/figure) on an fine art weblog inwards 2011.
  • I've yet to select a operate for my nomination. I'll thus hold upwards selecting 3 plant to choke forrard equally the shortlist for you lot to the vote on for the best yet life motion-picture present on fine art weblog inwards 2011. 
  • I'll hold upwards including larger images of the three shortlisted plant inwards the invitation to vote for the winner.
  • You thus select until 29th Dec to vote for the operate you lot recollect is the best (ie voting closes a infinitesimal afterward midnight GMT on 30th December )
This is a link to the
The details of the nomination procedure together with criteria for submissions tin mail away hold upwards establish in Nominate the Best Artwork (Portraits/Figures) on a weblog inwards 2011

Now for the nominations.....

Nomination: Girl alongside Lambs past times Antii Rautiolla
Post: Girl alongside Lambs
Nominated by: Casey Klahn
Mr. Rautiola, of Helsinki, paints his 3 daughters equally subjects, together with the results are intimate, together with at the same fourth dimension they select an "everyman" aspect. The angular lighting of his scenes adds to this effect.

The unloose application of his pigment keeps these otherwise personally of import scenes at the viewer's level, together with thus at that spot is no barrier betwixt the viewer together with the ideas the creative soul is presenting.

Simply wonderful.

This Girl alongside lambs icon adds a herd of domestic animals to the kid scene. The lambs are equally attentive to what the fille brings equally I am to what the creative soul does!
Nomination: "Leah at Sea" past times Taryn Day (Awake together with Painting)
Post: Leah at Sea
Nominated by: Rose Welty
Taryn's treatment of the pigment seems to reverberate Leah's personality. You right away empathise that Leah is confident together with adventurous

Scarlet past times Zachary Proctor
24" x 24", oil
Nomination: "Scarlet" past times Zachary Proctor (Sketchbook)
Post: # 46 Scarlet
Nominated by:  Regula Scheifele
I'd similar to nominate the wonderful portrait "Scarlet" past times Zachary Proctor, business office of an ongoing serial of what is to hold upwards 100 portraits.

As the creative soul stated: "These paintings (sketches) are all 24"x 24" together with are completed for the most business office inwards i session. My destination is to practice 100 together with select a present alongside all of them."

I similar the icon nominated because – apart from beingness real good executed – Zachary Procter manages to pigment a real pleasing portrait of a child, catching her sweetness together with innocence without drifting into 'overly sugariness together with kitschy'.

As alongside all the portraits inwards this series, Scarlett is shown face-on, no surroundings, single-colored background. Nothing is taking away from the whimsical, contemplative facial expression on Scarlet's face.

It's too worth looking at all the portraits inwards this serial – unique individuals portraits alongside insight passion
Black Lord's Day past times Dirk Dizmirsky
Graphite on paper, heightened alongside white ink
25.6" x 20.5" (65 x 52 cm)
Nomination:  "Black Sun" past times Dirk Dzimirsky (Dirk Dzimirsky - Drawings)
Post:  Black Sun
Nominated by:  Jessica Rosemary Shepherd
Firstly, this slice is a huge achievement showing Dirk's amazing drawing skills together with his patience. The tonal variation is remarkable together with he has approached this portrait alongside sensitivity together with wonder.

When I await at this piece, I experience sad, but I too experience thunderstruck at how amazing together with inspiring life is. The contradiction of these feelings leaves me feeling puzzled which way I await at the portrait over again together with over again for longer together with longer until I experience lost inwards it. The slice has a timeless character to it. It's elementary together with non fussy. I would gladly select this on my wall, fifty-fifty though I don't know the human being depicted. It's busting alongside life, fifty-fifty though at that spot is no color together with no movement. From the shiny eyes to the piddling chip of spittle on the lips -there is a mood of anticipation inwards this piece. I can't care but wonder what the human being is thinking about? What he wants together with where he's been? Who he's loved, who he's lost...

Nomination: David Boles (Cobalt Blues)
Post:  Candlelight II
Nominated by: Jeanette Jobson
I'd similar to nominate David Boles for Best Portrait/figure for his drawing Candlelight II on his weblog Cobalt Blues. David uses silverpoint together with inwards this piece, a touching on of gouache. His drawing is thus technically sound, something that is seen less together with less these days, that it becomes oculus catching. His depiction of texture together with values using silverpoint is masterful.

Preserving drawing abilities is crucial to all artists together with highlighting a slice that shows the technique at its finest helps select it to the forefront again.
"Veiled" past times Johanna Spinks
10" x 10"
Nomination: "Veiled" past times Johanna Spinks (Portrait Painting Patter past times Johanna Spinks)
Post: How to pigment eyes...What was I thinking?
Nominated by: Marie Theron
Johanna Spinks is a portrait creative soul that I admire real much. She plant from the model, is comfortable to pigment alongside a crowd watching together with blogs inwards a pleasant together with chatty form of way.

The spontaneous plant oft select an Old Masterly experience to it. I larn the impression that this creative soul does non always rely on photographs.

Raccoon past times Rosie McClelland
crude oil on canvas
threescore x 100cm
Nomination: Raccoon" past times Rosie McClelland (Rosie McClelland Art)
Post: Finished Pastel Portrait of Nick
Nominated by: self-nomination
This is Nick. The icon shows who he is non simply what he looks like

Anastasia past times Maria Villioti
Nomination: ''Anastasia" Maria Villioti (Art breaths / pnoes texnis)
Nominated by: self-nomination
(no comment) 

Laughed Ray past times Tilen
Nomination: "Laughed Ray" past times Tilen (Tilen Artplanet)
Post: #136 • Laughed Ray
Nominated by: self-nomination
Brave + Bold + Bright

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