Brand New!! Generating Fine Art - The Making A Rank Awards 2011

Today's awards relate to generating art either equally an private creative soul or equally an fine art grouping - formal or informal.
  • The Painting Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Day Stickability Shield
  • The Best Art Blog Project Virtual Challenge Cup
  • NEW IN 2011 - The Best Art Society Blog Prize

The Painting a Day Stickability Shield
"What they telephone telephone talent is aught but the capacity for doing continuous locomote inwards the correct way."Winslow Homer
The Painting Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Day Stickability Shield for daily painters who maintain a consistently high output of consistently skillful character paintings over the course of report of the twelvemonth as well as laid a skillful illustration to others.

Previous winners of this observe include:
First - a serious message to fine art bloggers.  If you lot desire people to review your locomote you lot lead hold to locomote far easily accessible.  I was amazed at the number of bloggers who don't sympathise that their archives are an asset.  Gallery owners are looking to encounter if you lot are consistent over fourth dimension as well as how long you lot lead hold been painting.  Don't hold back to instruct gallery exhibitions if you lot don't brand your past times artwork accessible 

While I brand notes nigh fine art blogs during the twelvemonth - as well as add together them to my listing of potential nominees, I also do a skillful facial expression circular at the twelvemonth goal to encounter who else is around that I've non yet come upward across.  I facial expression peculiarly inwards the weblog rolls of fine art blogs.  I'm looking for the names of novel people - as well as the names of those who come upward up over again as well as over again - inwards blogs which include everybody as well as the blogrolls which include simply a few.  I also facial expression dorsum at past times nominations. I also facial expression at those who number their paintings....

This is non a prize for skillful painting.  That's what the best flick observe is all about.  However I do hold back the overall character of artwork on the weblog to live good.

This is a prize which rewards consistent output.  It's nigh artists who lead hold the acre of report to exercise their arts and crafts as well as post service on a rattling regular solid set down as well as deliver as well as maintain skillful character inwards price of interesting paintings.  It's no longer nigh posting every solar daytime - but it is nigh posting a lot of paintings.  If you lot do post service every day, it is noticed.  It's never awarded to people amongst novel blogs - because the capacity to proceed posting wears off subsequently fourth dimension for a lot of people.

The nominations for 2011 are:
  • Stephen Magsig - Postcards from Detroit - nominated past times David J Teter as well as me.  David said He consistently posts (nearly) every day.  Stephen's locomote continues to non alone document the industrial as well as urban areas of Detroit (as good equally the occasional random subject) but also is an artists mirror reflecting the electrical flow nation of our economic scheme as well as the resultant it has on our cities, businesses as well as neighborhoods past times oft showing the unopen down, boarded upward as well as graffiti tagged facades of buildings.  A dependent a lot of artists shy away from as well as exterior the realm the 'pretty' pictures.
  • Jonathan Aller - Alla Prima Studies nominated past times Jim Serrett who said His locomote is consistent as well as professional person as well as done from life, “no paintings from Photoshop here”, simply the existent thing.
    With dainty explanations as well as demos accompanying most works, his weblog shows a existent commitment to the arts and crafts of epitome as well as the sharing of knowledge.  
    My ain feeling was that Jonathan although posting on a regular solid set down is doing no to a greater extent than than a lot of other artists.  This observe is somebody who goes the extra mile.....
Two blogs which for me are a 'near miss' - the narrative explains why
  • Gillian Holding - #adailyselfreflection - nominated past times me.  I liked this projection a lot.  It mixed upward photography, epitome as well as drawing to create a daily epitome using digital agency - including apps for iphone as well as ipad.  It didn't quite concluding the distance but I decided to include it equally a nomination hither because I applaud its innovation.  (Maybe I ought to lead hold the David Hockney Award for regular digital postcards adjacent year?) #adailyselfreflection began when I realised in that location was a dandy forum inwards cyberspace for showing digitally generated work, as well as I loved the thought that artwork amongst no tangible existence could live viewed inwards the exact cast inwards which it had been created.
  • Oriana Kacikek - Paintings past times Oriana Kacikek - nominated past times me - What tin I state - I'm rattling fond of artists who pigment food.  It's also genuinely dainty to observe somebody who realises in that location are alternatives to a PB&J when epitome sandwiches!  Very dainty paintings - however I'd lead hold to observe an easier way to review to a greater extent than of her paintings before Oriana is inwards amongst a serious vociferation of this award.  
The explanations nigh mightiness locomote far seem similar Stephen Magsig gets this observe past times default.

Nothing is farther from the truth.  I wrote his yell downwardly foremost - as well as a long fourth dimension before whatever others came along.  Here's why.
  • take a facial expression at Stephen's archive on his weblog Postcards from Detroit
    • first - it's accessible as well as I tin encounter rattling easily how many paintings he's done this year
    • second - he's produced as well as posted rattling nearly a epitome a solar daytime for virtually every day
    • third - facial expression how long he has been producing paintings of Detroit.  He's produced betwixt 322 as well as 355 paintings each twelvemonth for the concluding iv years.  By whatever Definition Stephen Magsig had produced a consistent as well as high character output.  Yesterday was epitome #1473
  • He's doing something unique as well as worthwhile.  I totally concur amongst David J Teter's rationale for nominating Stephen.  
  • He also provides something of a role model for the way inwards which you lot tin convert the property of regular daily paintings into other products for sale to those who desire to collect artwork.  Sometimes the "stickability" runs out before those conversions instruct made - but non amongst Stephen! 
  • Take a facial expression at what I've written nigh Stephen on this weblog already
Back inwards 2007, this is what I wrote when introducing his fine art blog
earlier this year
When writing my post service nigh Make your ain art! I started to facial expression around at daily epitome blogs to encounter who was beingness unique, master copy as well as non epitome the ubiquitous fruit. One such weblog is Stephen Magsig's Postcards from Detroit. As good equally epitome on a regular basis, Stephen is also doing something which is culturally worthwhile - he's documenting a urban amount which is undergoing meaning change. It adds value to his work. 

The 2011 Winner of 
The Painting a Day Stickability Shield
is Stephen Magsig

Here are all the places where you lot tin encounter Stephen's artwork.
Blue Water Tank past times Stephen Magsig

The Best Art Blog Project Virtual Challenge Cup 

The Best Art Blog Project Virtual Challenge Cup

Art tin live quite a lonely action as well as it's noticeable that people often similar to lead hold some form of involvement inwards groups as well as projects related to art! This observe is for
  • EITHER a major as well as reputable novel projection which adds value as well as involves a large number of bloggers  
  • OR or a projection which has grown over the course of report of the twelvemonth inwards query or otherwise had some meaning impact during the course of report of the year

Previous winners are:
Most of the fine art projects to appointment lead hold involved rattling meaning numbers of artists.  One of the things I've noticed inwards 2011 are the grouping fine art blogs beingness created.  It seems equally if the top dog role is to create a social tape of usual action past times a modest grouping of artists rather than to attract an external audience per se.

I'm commencement to wonder if people are realising that the demands of the mega projects are such that there's a boundary to how long they tin live unless there's a rattling clear commercial imperative associated amongst i soul putting inwards the fourth dimension as well as effort.  Certainly if simply i soul runs the projection it tin speedily becomes likewise much as well as swallow into their fourth dimension for their ain art-making.  It's rattling evident that for bigger projects, business office of the play a joke on inwards achieving longevity is to position a modest grouping who tin deal the whole projection as well as whatever spin-offs.

It's also possible that Facebook has created an option host for grouping efforts.  I yell upward it's a compassion if that has happened because non everybody likes Facebook as well as also most of it is inaccessible unless you lot are a member.

I didn't have whatever nominations for this award.  So I had a skillful facial expression round.  Here as well as so are those that didn't quite brand the shortlist - as well as and so the shortlist

Hopefully readers volition observe the reasons why these are "near misses" are to live instructive.
  • Natalie Italiano for One Hundred Alla Prima Portraits of American Teenagers - nominated by Penny German.  This isn't genuinely eligible equally the role of the observe is to focus on a collaboration betwixt a grouping of artists.
  • One Drawing a Day - I was minded to nominate this site until I flora the weblog took an historic menstruation to load.  Possibly because there's no boundary on the size of images which tin live uploaded?  Hence I've non been able to facial expression at it equally much equally I'd like.
  • The Art Project - Google's massive projection to digitize the insides of museums around the Blue Planet is rattling educational - but it isn't an fine art weblog as well as doesn't involve fine art bloggers inwards whatever way.  Pity! 
  • Artists of Texas - I've been rattling keen for some fourth dimension on grouping blogs which demonstrate collaboration as well as co-operation betwixt artists inwards a specific expanse (it's the online version of opened upward studios).  Unfortunately it's hard to observe skillful ones which demonstrate lots of blogging as well as bloggers and staying power.  This i does, soundless this "art blog" is actually the front end goal of an international commercial online gallery operation which is attempting to syndicate an identical model for lots of dissimilar groups of artists as well as requires a subscription to join.  The commercial aspects as well as subscription fee are non an number equally such - it's the lack of a unique as well as independent identity which ruled this i out inwards the end. 
ALSO This is NOT an fine art weblog project.  However it would live remiss of me to neglect to give a special advert to Dan Thompson (Artists as well as Makers) who runs a Revolutionary Arts online arts magazine and promotes the constructive usage of empty shops past times artists/musicians.  In August, he initiated the #riotcleanup in the U.K. via Twitter - i of the most successful grouping activities this year.  Just goes to present what tin live achieved when a creative soul imagines positive uses of Twitter as well as the Internet!

My shortlist included:
  • Women epitome women  - nominated past times me.  "Women Painting Women" explores how contemporary women painters are treatment women equally subjects. The weblog was founded past times Sadie ValeriAlia El-Bermani as well as Diane Feissel and features diverse paintings past times women of women.  It's a modest scale projection as well as in that location aren't a lot of posts soundless it has a rattling clear focus as well as it's e'er a pleasance to facial expression at.   
  • A Postcard from My Walk - nominated past times me.  Doing a postcard every calendar month is a fleck easier than producing a epitome every day.  The thought behind this weblog is that every calendar month a postcard would live created spell project some cast of exercise as well as and so sent around the Blue Planet to some other fellow member of the Sketchercise group.  Although I participate inwards this, it succeeds because of Ronelle's organisational powerfulness (and slideshows) as well as the whole group's commitment to keeping those postcards winging around the Blue Planet for a whole year.  It's also upped the touchstone of artwork which nosotros observe acceptable to send!
  • The Help Nippon Challenge Auction - This was organised on the Daily Paintworks site as well as involved a lot of fine art bloggers contributing artwork to heighten funds via an auction to assist those affected past times the Tsunami inwards Japan.  The challenge was created past times Keiko Tanabe as well as David Marine of Daily Paintworks hosted it on the Daily Paintworks website.  To date, fine art to the value of $29, 218 has been raised equally a resultant of the sales past times the rattling many Daily Paintworks members /art bloggers who took part.  This is a model of contribution which we've seen many times before - soundless I don't yell upward I've ever seen i before which was upward as well as running as well as selling quite so fast as well as to such skillful effect.
In price of grade of involvement of fine art bloggers, capacity for adding value as well as overall impact to my heed there's no rival equally to the worthy winner this year.

The 2011 winner of
The Best Art Blog Project Virtual Challenge Cup is
The Help Nippon Challenge Auction
(Keiko Tanabe, David Marine as well as the Daily Paintworks Art Bloggers)

Spring inwards Kyoto, Nippon IV past times Keiko Tanabe
Sold inwards assistance of The Japanese Red Cross

NEW IN 2011 The Best Art Society Blog Prize

The Best Art Society Blog Prize  

This prize is for the Art Society Blog which demonstrates - inwards both text as well as images - how best to
  • promote the aims as well as activities of the fine art guild and 
  • AND widen the audience for the images of its fellow member artists.

This is a novel prize this twelvemonth as well as thence in that location is no listing of previous winners.

For me an fine art weblog is an first-class way of raising the profile of both the fine art guild as well as its fellow member artists.  The characteristics of a skillful fine art guild weblog may live opened upward to debate.  My criteria are equally follows:

  • blog posts are timely eg post service nigh the exhibition inwards skillful fourth dimension for people to conform to visit!
  • blog posts are useful eg brand certain you lot include plenty data for people to observe the society's activities (don't assume "everybody knows")
  • images are rattling of import - as well as should live included whenever possible as well as relevant.  An fine art guild weblog without images says something nigh how of import they genuinely are!  This was the top dog argue why fine art guild blogs were NOT shortlisted.
    • Art societies are nigh placing an emphasis on the visual as well as so should their blog
    • blog posts tin present people what the guild does as well as what it has to offering through the usage of photographs of activities as well as artwork
  • members, their artwork as well as their exhibitions are profiled - it's a perk as well as a fleck of extra marketing which is e'er welcome - summation it also provides the solid set down for regular updates throughout the year
Here are the fine art guild blogs which met my criteria
  • Artists of the RI - This is a novel weblog this twelvemonth but it's made it past times the iii months score as well as is soundless delivering regular if infrequent weblog posts.  I similar the way it's focused on providing a perk for the creative soul members of the Royal Institute of Painters inwards Watercolour who are getting an chance to profile who they are, what they do as well as what their artwork looks like.  This is i to sentinel for the future.
  • The Royal Institute of Oil Painters Blog - Great usage of the pop posts widget past times the ROI Blog to highlight the posts which lead hold interested both members as well as the full general public.  Anything which helps to brand content to a greater extent than accessible is good.  The weblog is beingness used good to comprehend the total range of guild activities as well as the activities of its members eg independent exhibitions.  This weblog was created inwards 2010 as well as has been coming on inwards leaps as well as bounds during 2011.  Content is strong as well as images are everywhere!
  • Denver Art Society has a combined website as well as blog.  I strongly suspect it mightiness live to a greater extent than accurate to telephone telephone it a weblog amongst static pages.  However achieved it combines the essential static data pages which most societies lead hold amongst 2 carve upward streams of dynamic pages which update on (1) the latest word as well as (2) regular artwork on display or beingness produced past times creative soul members.  The Home Page constantly updates amongst a layut which places priority on the dynamic content as well as the twitterstream as well as a schedule of upcoming events.  However I thought it's most impressive aspect was the rattling song commitment to universal access to an fine art instruction as well as the range that fine art has to play inwards maintaining a salubrious local community.  This is a reenergising art weblog belonging to an fine art guild which aims to kickstart a creative renaissance!
We believe universal access to a strong arts instruction is essential to creating as well as sustaining a salubrious society. The Denver Art Society’s mission is to organize independent artists as well as furnish venues for the evolution of creativity. 

The Denver Art Society site opened my eyes to what tin live achieved inwards price of dynamic content, pattern as well as the range for a guild to lead hold a rattling strong connectedness amongst its local community.

The 2011 winner of
The Best Art Society Blog Prize is
The Denver Art Society

The adjacent post service is nigh Getting out of the Studio.

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