Brand New!! Best Motion Painting Of 2011 On An Fine Art Blog

You have got voted (see Vote for the best artwork on an fine art weblog inward 2011) together with today I tin forcefulness out denote who has won Best Picture of 2011 on an Art Blog.

Many thank you lot to
  • first - all those fine art bloggers who came upwards amongst the nominations.  Your assistance in identifying practiced move is sure valued yesteryear me.
  • second - all the people who took fourth dimension out over the festive flavor to come upwards together with thought the nominations together with vote inward this Making Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Mark Awards Poll. 
So the agency this industrial plant is that get down I say you lot who won inward each category together with hence I denote who won Best Picture of the Year - which goes to the individual amongst the most votes overall.

Do delight click the images together with opened upwards them inward a novel tab if you lot desire to encounter a bigger version.

The MAM Award for Best Picture of the Year (Portrait/Figures) on an Art Blog 2011

This poll traditionally has the most votes of all the polls - together with it achieved that over again this year.

This exceptional poll had me on the border of my seat.  The Pb kept changing together with as it drew to a unopen I started to intend it mightiness terminate upwards as a dead heat....and hence it came to be!

The articulation winners of the Best Picture of the Year (Portrait/Figures) each amongst 27% of the vote are:
© Sophie Ploeg (Sophie Ploeg)
oil, 30x40cm
"Leah at Sea" 
© Taryn Day (Awake together with Painting)
stone oil on panel, 6"x6"
I wasn't familiar amongst Taryn's move earlier but her weblog has forthwith been added into my Google Reader!

"Black Sun" by Dirk Dzimirsky (Dirk Dzimirsky - Drawings) was inward tertiary place.

The MAM Award for Best Picture of the Year (Place) on an Art Blog 2011

This was some other fascinating poll amongst the Pb changing on a regular basis.  I truly didn't have got whatever thought which slice was going win this year.
The winner of the Best Picture of the Year (Place) is Pacific Passage by Robin Purcell (I've truly stood on this spot on a clifftop walk at Point Lobos (just S of Carmel inward northern California) together with wanted hence much to hold upwards able to do justice to this view!

Pacific Passage 
© Robin Purcell (Robin Purcell - Watercolours inward the Plein Air Tradition)
14" x 14", watercolour

The runner upwards was Back Door by William Wray (William Wray) - which is some other really fine picture, definitely a keeper!

The MAM Award for Best Picture of the Year (Still Life) on an Art Blog 2011

This category had a run away winner correct from the off together with the ikon which won got 42% of the vote.
The winner of the Best Picture of the Year (Still Life) is "Bottles, Bottles, Bottles #736" yesteryear Lisa Daria (Lisa Daria's Everyday PaintingNominated yesteryear Katherine Tyrrell
Bottles, Bottles, Bottles #736
© Lisa Darier (Lisa Daria's Everyday Painting)

Lisa Daria was terminal year's winner of the Painting Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Day Stickability Shield (which has been won previously yesteryear a number of really good known daily painters).  She has been posting a ikon every hateful solar daytime for 2 together with a one-half years together with has a really practiced argue for why she doesn't desire to stop.

The runner upwards was Glass & Floral II yesteryear Jelaine Faunce (Jelaine Faunce: Contemporary Realism) - which was a completely unlike interpretation of ikon drinking glass containers

The MAM Award for Best Picture of the Year (Natural World) on an Art Blog 2011

We have got a fleck of an awkward province of affairs amongst this category (and having received a rather odd comment, I've amended this department since the master publication to avoid whatever misinterpretation)

David J Teter who nominated Ant by Suzanne Berry let me know that, later his nomination, Suzanne  pointed out to him that she had non taken the photograph used as reference for the painting.  He apologised for his error together with for non checking amongst Suzanne first. I'd similar to give thank you lot both Suzanne together with David for letting me know - I'm really happy to admit that this was a genuine error on David's part.  However as the poll had already started I decided to permit the province of affairs ride together with hence move out what to do if the ikon won!

Which it did.

So here's what I'm going to do.

The number is not that somebody else's photograph has been used as a reference - which of itself is non odd for those ikon the natural world.  Hence the nomination was not ineligible purely because somebody else's photograph had been used as a reference.  The number was purely almost whether or non the ikon was "overly reliant on a photograph taken yesteryear somebody else" ie the criteria I'd pose down.   (This is the dot at which I started looking at an awful lot of photos of ants!)

It seems to me that in that location are iii points which favour allowing the ikon to hold upwards eligible.  First, ants of the same species await pretty similar no affair who takes their photograph; they also seem to have got a pretty express number of positions which they adopt. Second, this is 1 ikon inward a long serial of paintings of bugs yesteryear Suzanne.  Looking at the blueprint together with composition of the paintings inward her serial it's really obvious to me that in that location is painterly interpretation of reference photographs. This is a painter who clearly adds value to a reference photo.  Third the transportation service almost the ikon eulogises almost the colours she's been able to convey out inward the painting.  To me they are a lot to a greater extent than obvious inward this ikon than they are inward photos of similar ants.

Consequently my thought is that the ikon is eligible together with I'm really happy to allow the vote to stand.  As I indicated when choosing a shortlist I ever await at the fine art blogs of the painters get down together with it's my thought that Suzanne is an accomplished painter amongst a really effective approach to portraying bugs!
The winner of the Best Picture of the Year (Nature) is "Ant" by Suzanne Berry (Suzanne BerryNominated yesteryear David J Teter
Ant © Suzanne Berry (Suzanne Berry)
16x16" stone oil on cradled hardboard

The runnerup was Sanderling yesteryear Tracy Hall (Watercolour Artist Diary)

The MAM Award for Best Picture of the Year on an Art Blog 2011

This is awarded to the pic which got the most votes shape inward the poll.

It’s ever fascinating to encounter how the unlike categories fare inward damage of the number of votes they attract together with how fine art bloggers charge per unit of measurement unlike move when they get down acting as the jury rather than the creative individual whose move is beingness judged.

The ikon which won this yr was inward a commanding Pb - across all categories - from almost vi hours later the poll started all the agency to the end.  I was pretty sure who was going to win on the get down day!

Bottles, Bottles, Bottles #736
© Lisa Darier (Lisa Daria's Everyday Painting)
The other placements, according to the number of votes cast, were as follows:
  • Second - Ant yesteryear Suzanne Berry
  • Third - Pacific Passage yesteryear Robin Purcell
I guess the really difficult fought contest inward the Portrait category ended upwards sharing the votes approximately rather equally!  This category has nonetheless won the Best Picture of the Year for the terminal 2 years hence it was variety of dainty that other genres got a await in!

I promise you've enjoyed the Picture of the Year Competition together with all the Making Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Mark Awards.  I've listed them below - together with you lot tin forcefulness out also encounter them inside the context of yesteryear winners inward 2 places.  Both summarise the reasons why people won the award.
The Making Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Mark Awards 2012

I keep a running listing of potential nominations for ANY of the Making Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Mark Awards all yr round. 

So if you'd similar to characteristic inward side yesteryear side year's awards and/or desire to nominate an fine art weblog and/or an artwork yesteryear an fine art blogger that you lot spot inward the course of written report of the yr all you lot have got to do is write to me at whatever fourth dimension (see side column for contact details) or leave a comment on the weblog page.  All nominations have got to comply amongst the rules.

Links:  Making Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Mark Awards 2011

Read who won the awards - click the link inward the bold sub-heads below

Generating Art
  • The Painting a Day Stickability Shield
  • The Best Art Blog Project Virtual Challenge Cup
  • NEW IN 2011 - The Best Art Society Blog
Getting Out of the Studio
  • The Painting Plein Air Plus Prize
  • The Travels amongst a Sketchbook Trophy
  • The Going Greener Gong
Learning almost Art & the Art Business
  • The FAQs together with Answers Really Useful Medal
  • The Make Me Think Gong
  • The Best Book yesteryear an Art Blogger Blue Ribbon
The Home Front
  • NEW inward 2011 The Art Innovation of the Year Award
  • “The Moose” - the honour for the best animate beingness inward an illustrated blog
  • The Most Gorgeous Mouthwatering (MGM) Studio of the Year
Best Picture of 2011

Shortlist together with poll results - VOTE for the Best Artwork on an Art Blog inward 2011

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