Brand New!! 18Th December 2011 - Who's Made A Ambit This Week?

Nativity (1654) - etching past times Rembrandt
Just a calendar week to go to Christmas Day! Here's wishing you lot as well as yours all the best inwards this festive season.

I proceed to conduct hold "green" difficulties amongst sending out masses of Christmas cards to people as well as volition live limiting them to unopen household unit of measurement members as well as unopen friends as well as making a donation to the Save the Children Fund instead.

The Making Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Mark Art Blog Awards 2011

I've forthwith got all the Calls for Nominations posted (see links below).  This twelvemonth in that location are two novel awards inwards 2011
  • The Best Art Society Blog Prize
  • The Art Innovation of the Year Award
In addition, in that location are a lot to a greater extent than grouping fine art blogs around inwards 2011 as well as it's worth mentioning that grouping blogs volition inwards full general live looked at nether The Best Art Blog Project Virtual Challenge Cup

I've been making lots of notes almost fine art blogs which I retrieve are eligible for different awards.  However I've non had a lot of nominations equally yet.  I volition live adding inwards my nominations as well as I won't live exclusively adding inwards ane or two.  However you lot won't come across mine until the shortlisting

Ester Roi demonstrated rattling effectively yesterday how to acquire your fine art weblog nominated i.e. by making a uncomplicated annunciation almost the accolade on her weblog as well as showing people what they conduct hold to do if they want to nominate her weblog (and inwards this illustration her fine art innovation).

You tin do this too!  What you lot cannot do is anteroom for nominations (or votes) exterior your ain fine art weblog equally the intended audience for these awards is fine art bloggers only.

The Wisdom of the Crowd

One of the benefits of blogging is that nosotros tin all acquire a amend termination past times sharing our experiences - through the wisdom of the crowd.

Please present your appreciation of your swain bloggers as well as NOMINATE an fine art blogger you lot retrieve should acquire a MAKING Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 MARK AWARD

These are the links to the invitations to nominate.
If you've got whatever queries don't hesitate to contact me - details of how to do this are inwards the side column.

I'll live posting the nominations for the Best Picture accolade on the 24th as well as and then inviting you lot to vote on the 26th.

Artists as well as Art Blogs

Drawing as well as Sketching

Dinner vi months agone - on the 16th June 2011
Botanical art

I'm rattling fond of botanical art.  Hence ane of my Best Picture Awards relates to the Natural World as well as ane of the Making Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Mark Art Blog awards is almost those artists who promote awareness of nature as well as the greener side of life.

If you lot similar botanical fine art you lot powerfulness similar to cheque out these Botanical Artists Blogs
  • Mindy Lighthipe's Botanical Painting.  She's lately been involved amongst a botanical fine art projection - the xxx twenty-four hours Botanical Leaf Challenge.
  • Dianne Sutherland lives inwards Scotland and has non yet completed the challenge but in that location are some impeccable painted leaves on her weblog Dianne Sutherland
  • Renata Barilli is a botanical illustrator who lives inwards Italy and has a botanical fine art weblog (in Italian) Aperta Mente Botanical Art,
  • Claire lives inwards West wales as well as has been producing some beautitful botanical artwork of Autumn Treasures on her weblog Red Berries she highlights a lightfastness  problem amongst the watercolour Opera Pink
  • Botanical Illustration is a groovy weblog associated amongst the Denver Botanic Gardens' Botanical Art as well as Illustration Certificate Program
Did you lot know in that location is a Nature Blog Network?  These are the blogs which are almost Art as well as Nature

The Wildlife Art Journal seems to conduct hold a weblog all the same it doesn't conduct hold a URL which allows us to selection upwardly the latest post independently of that post's URL (ie in that location is no dwelling URL for the blog!)

  • James Gurney has posted a 10 purpose serial almost the origins of Dinotopia on Gurney Journey

  • Sarah Wimperis (The Pie Miniature - which is an illustration of Sarah's novel paintings inwards miniature format.  The watercolour is hatched.
Plein air painting
I wanted the protester to come upwardly across equally serious, but non scary. Most of the protesters I’ve met are normal, idealistic, immature adults, hence I thought the “person adjacent door” experience was important. Ironically, I establish out that the dependent area of the photograph I illustrated from is an LA resident as well as employee of the Robert Berman gallery who I conduct hold worked with
wildlife art
Art Business & Marketing
  • For all those who demand a fleck of a prompt as well as a helping manus almost their financial records - this is bookeeping 101 past times bizladies 
  • For those who retrieve that everything volition come upwardly correct if you lot could only acquire to grips amongst the social media opportuntiies - this is a recommended read - Call for Entries: BP Portrait Award 2012.  If you're interested do conduct hold a expect at the linked sites equally they render you lot amongst a lot of insight into the type of portraits which are entered for this major international fine art competition.
  • On Th I posted the Call for Entries: RWS Contemporary Watercolour Competition 2012.  This exhibition past times the Royal Watercolour Society is dissimilar the exhibitions of other national fine art societies where the images past times candidates for membership are displayed.  This is an exhibition which is non an annual exhibition inwards the conventional sense - as well as is much to a greater extent than similar a conventional exhibition.
  • On Fri I posted almost ii calls for entries past times the ii Wildlife Artist of the Year 2012 competitions run past times the David Shepherd Foundation as well as the BBC respectively.  You tin notice my summary of the differences as well as most of the details almost who, what as well as how to come inwards in Wildlife Artist of the Year 2012 - Call for Entries (x2)
Art Exhibitions

  • The Royal Academy of Arts are advising Friends of the RA - as well as other people - planning to see David Hockney RA: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Bigger Picture to volume a fourth dimension slot now.  Advanced booking has been introduced inwards answer to feedback almost overcrowding as well as queues at the to a greater extent than pop exhibitions at the RA. 
  • Travelling Light, opened at the Whitechapel Gallery lastly week. It's an exhibition of fine art held past times the Government Art Collection which is non usually seen. The exhibition explores the British want to move as well as create a distinctly British sentiment inwards depictions of people as well as places overseas.  The industrial plant conduct hold been selected past times Simon Schama.
  • The Haunch of Venison Gallery's exhibition Conversations betwixt 10 British Post-War painters focuses on a grouping of 10 British painters who revived landscape paradigm as well as portraiture - Michael Andrews, Frank Auerbach, Francis Bacon, Patrick Caulfield, William Coldstream, Lucian Freud, Richard Hamilton, David Hockney, Leon Kossoff and Euan Uglow - many of whom conduct hold gone on to acquire rattling influential inwards relation to the exercise of contemporary painters.  The Guardian has a slideshow of some of the paintings on display.
  • I'm rattling fed upwardly that I missed the exhibition of botanical illustrations past times Beatrix Potter at the Victoria & Albert Museum - all the same I discovered the the spider web page amongst examples of her run is silent upwardly on the website (However you lot conduct hold to know it's in that location equally "past exhibitions" are non listed except equally purpose of the site computer program as well as when you lot acquire to them the exhibitions conduct hold no archive.  Shame on the V&A - this is rattling pitiable exercise inwards the context of museums by as well as large as well as is such a waste materials of a learning opportunity.  I wishing they'd realise that people acquire via the website as well as informative pages almost past times exhibitions are an fantabulous means of learning! )
  • Monet waterlily paintings are going to live on exhibition at Tate Liverpool adjacent year
Since its inception inwards 1990, the exhibit serial Focus on Nature has reflected the standards, materials, as well as skills of contemporary natural history illustrators.
Art Education
Art History / Art Museums as well as Galleries

The Nativity past times Piero della Francesca
Art Societies

The Royal Academy of Arts has been having a major shake-up as well as changing "the bums on seats" - painters as well as women to the forepart please!
Diana Armfield RA, a figurative painter, said Emin had a “great talent for celebrity”. She told the Times she had seen what “I suppose are drawings” past times Emin inwards the Summer Exhibition as well as “wouldn’t conduct hold thought that her talents were that way”.
  • Fiona Rae RA has been appointed equally Professor of Painting.  There' been a much to a greater extent than subdued answer to this appointment.
Internet, webware as well as blogging
  • David Pilgrim ( Getting Mobile - almost the tools he has been using to improve his website as well as display his fine art - amongst especial reference to access past times mobile technology.  He highlights the testing capacity offered bythe Opera mobile emulator
  • I dearest the means the paradigm inwards the championship surface area of the Light as well as Color weblog changes amongst every refresh. I wonder how that works? 
and finally......

This BBC article has a video which explores the origins behind the colours of Christmas

Click the link to NOMINATE Art Blogs for The 2011 Making Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Mark Awards

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