Brand New!! 14Th International Exhibition Of Botanical Fine Art & Instance - Intent To Submit

The 14th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation in Pennsylvania takes house inwards the Autumn / Fall of 2013.

However inwards lodge to submit run you ask to submit an "Intent to submit" shape past times 31st Jan 2012.  Yes folks - that's by side past times side Tuesday!

Catalogue of the Hunt Institute's 
13th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration, 2010
Cover illustration: Fiona Strickland, 

watercolor on newspaper of Helianthus, Last sunflower, 2008
© 2008, Fiona Strickland, All Rights Reserved
Collection of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Submission Guidelines

The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation is currently accepting submissions for the 14th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration which volition be held inwards the Autumn / Fall 2013 (exact dates have got nevertheless to hold out determined).

How frequently is International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration held? 

This exhibition is held every 3 years.  The in conclusion ane was inwards 2010.  The catalogue for that exhibition is nevertheless available

Who tin enter?
The exhibition is opened upward to all botanical fine artists together with illustrators working inwards whatever medium on newspaper or vellum whose run has achieved a criterion of excellence together with who have got non yet been represented inwards the Hunt Institute’s series of International Exhibitions.
  • top shape botanical artists
  • ... who alive anywhere inwards the world (this is an international exhibition)
  • ... who have got NOT had artwork accepted together with displayed in the Hunt Institute’s series of International Exhibitions
You tin depository fiscal establishment check out all the artists who have got had run accepted together with displayed inwards previous exhibitions inwards the Cumulative Index of Artists (pdf file)

What's the timeline?

The timeline for entering this exhibition is rather to a greater extent than extended than for other exhibitions - it's simply over ii years from kickoff to end.

The submission procedure has besides been changed this fourth dimension around.  There are half dozen stages
  1. Intent to submit - the notice of the intent to submit has to hold out received by 31st Jan 2012
  2. Submission of images - submit digital images, to hold out received by xv June 2012
  3. Request for master copy artwork - submit master copy artwork, to hold out received by 26 Oct 2012
  4. Shipping 
  5. Acceptance - acceptance/rejection volition hold out notified inside a calendar week of receipt
  6. Request for biographical data together with portrait photo - accepted artists only
You tin download:
1. Intent to Submit

Where tin I detect the Forms to submit work?

You tin download the Intent to Submit Form (Word.doc) from the webpage for the exhibition on the Hunt website.  Remember this has to hold out submitted past times the 31 Jan 2012.

What produce I have got to say inwards the Intent to Submit?

This is what it looks like (click to run across a larger image) and it's non at all complicated.  You tell them your elevate together with contact details (including your website) together with reason what medium you lot volition hold out using for the run that you lot intend to submit work.  That's it!

Apart from emailing it to  emailed to Cate Hammond at chammond[AT]andrew[DOT]cmu[DOT]edu  (Normally you lot could post it - but given how unopen it is to 31 January, it's in all probability best to e-mail it.)

The Curator may review Intent forms received later on 31 Jan 2012 but don't assume this volition tumble out - it's totally at her discretion.

Two truly of import things you lot ask to know
  1. Artworks must hold out available to the Hunt Institute from 26 October 2012 to vii Feb 2014. 
  2. They volition NOT have got artwork which is already inwards a individual collection or otherwise held past times a tertiary party.
2. Submission of images

How produce I submit images for consideration?
The alternative procedure involves an initial screening based on upward to 3 images sent to the Hunt past times the artist.

As always, amongst opened upward submissions of this sort, it's absolutely vital that the icon submitted is a faithful representation of the artwork (ie "the best you lot tin do" is non truly expert plenty if it isn't besides faithful to the original).

Your expectation must hold out that whatever icon which is institute to hold out misleading volition Pb to artwork beingness weeded out of the alternative procedure together with your elevate beingness remembered every bit somebody who doesn't follow instructions!
Please depository fiscal establishment complaint that all images, photographic or digital, must faithfully stand upward for the master copy artwork.
Artists should submit the next - to hold out received by xv June 2012:
  • up to 3 (3) artwork images inwards 3 possible ways - SLIDES, CD/DVD or portfolio review
  • PLUS a resume 
  • PLUS a completed submission form
The 3 ways you lot tin submit images are
  • As a 35 mm slide or four × 5" transparency. 
    • Each slide or transparency must hold out labeled with the artist’s name, artwork title, year, medium together with newspaper size. 
    • Slides volition hold out returned to artists later on review.
    • Please produce non convert digital images into slides
  • As high-resolution digital files burned to CD or DVD
    • Each jpeg icon must hold out at least 350 dpi, a minimum of 8" or twenty cm high, together with 2800 pixels inwards length or width. 
    • Each CD or DVD must hold out labeled amongst the artist’s name. 
    • Individual files on disk must hold out labeled with artist’s in conclusion elevate together with artwork title. CDs together with DVDs volition NOT hold out returned. 
    • emailed images volition NOT hold out accepted.
  • Portfolio review
    • Artists may brand an appointment amongst Curator of Art Lugene Bruno at the Hunt Institute inwards Pittsburgh to review master copy artwork. 
    • Travel arrangements together with costs to together with from Pittsburgh are the responsibleness of the artist.
If the images were created past times a tertiary party, they must hold out reviewed to ensure their accuracy and faithfulness. Excessive alteration to digital images, such every bit overly sharpening together with dropping out backgrounds, is prohibited together with may lawsuit inwards the rejection of the submission.
When produce I detect out whether my artwork has been selected?

You should hold out told by 15 August 2012 whether or non master copy artwork volition hold out requested.  If it is non requested your submission has failed this fourth dimension around.

I couldn't detect anywhere where it specifically says "do non submit the same artwork side past times side time".  However a full general dominion of pollex is it's best non to annoy a curator or alternative commission past times submitting run ane time to a greater extent than if they rejected in conclusion time.  (However you lot tin submit it to other competitions where dissimilar people are involved amongst selection!).  It's ever best to submit novel together with improved run the side past times side fourth dimension round.

3/4. Request for Original Artwork + Shipping

On xv August 2012, artists who have got passed the screening circular volition hold out contacted amongst a asking for the master copy artwork

The creative soul is responsible for:
  • packing the artwork securely inwards materials which tin hold out reused for sending it back
  • ensuring the UNFRAMED artwork reaches the Hunt Institute by 26 October 2012 
  • arrangements for transportation together with insurance together with associated costs
  • all paperwork for Customs if run is beingness submitted past times artists exterior the USA
  • agreeing the formal loan of the artwork to the Hunt Institute until 7 Feb 2014
The Hunt Institute is responsible for
  • providing all mats together with frames for the exhibition
  • paying for the render transportation costs of whatever artwork rejected at this phase (eg because it does non tally to the submitted image)
The submission guidelines render real detailed guidelines every bit to how run should hold out submitted - including recommendations every bit to preferred shippers.  The use of wooden crates or loose Styrofoam inwards packing the plant is prohibited

Very detailed guidelines are provided for those sending international shipments.  These should hold out followed faithfully every bit they are designed to avoid the creative soul finding their artwork has got stuck inwards Customs or they ask to pay a large amount inwards taxes to unloose it.

5. Acceptance

The in conclusion conclusion every bit to whether or non an artwork volition hold out included inwards the exhibition is made later on seeing the master copy artwork.

Artists are informed inside a calendar week of their run beingness received every bit to whether it is accepted or rejected.

6 Request for Biographical Information together with Photo Portrait

The in conclusion hurdle - the bio together with photo!  All you lot ask to produce at ane time is detect a lensman who takes a photograph that you're comfortable with.

If you're non certain what is wanted for the bio, why non inquire to run across the variety of bio data is typically included amongst the catalogue.  A bio may hold out give-and-take express but it is ordinarily the factual side of life every bit an creative soul rather than the variety of data which goes inwards an creative soul statement.

You may besides detect this site useful How to write an Artist's Resume or CV

and finally.......

I've included this exhibition inwards my novel module for botanical fine art exhibitions inwards the USA which I've added into Botanical Art - Resources for Artists.  If at that topographic point are whatever others of significance which you lot think should besides hold out included I'd hold out real happy to have details of them.

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